[b]Alaska Kossak[/b] [b]Nickname[/b] Kos [b]Age[/b] 21 [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=Here][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/1zghoo.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Family[/b] Choma Kossak Rebeka Kossak Weston Kossak [b]Relationship status[/b] Single [b]Pack[/b] RedThorn [b]Pack Rank[/b] TBD [b]Wolf appearance[/b] [hider=Here][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/nve71h.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Only difference is that she's got a black strip of fur down the her spine and her eyes in her wolf form look the same as those in her human. [b]Personality[/b] Alaska prefers to keep to herself. She loves to people watch and just learn other's habits, likes and dislikes. Despite her quiet demeanor, she's very quick to get pissed off if people begin to mess with her. She resorts to violence when pushed just a little, not afraid to let people know she refuses to be walked on. That is, outside of the pack. When it comes to the pack, however, she knows her place and that the alpha has the final say no matter what. She'd never go against her leader's wishes, whether she agrees or not. She values her family, although she doesn't see them much, but also sees the pack as her family as well. [b]Likes[/b] Thunder storms Running Music Yoga Being alone [b]Dislikes [/b] Being alone Most people Arguments Stress Being stuck inside [b]Skills[/b] Very flexible, can maneuver very well in both hunting and fighting Knowledgeable of both wolf and human anatomy, along with those of prey Rarely misses her target while hunting Not afraid to be on the offense side of the line Not a quick runner, but makes up with maneuver speed [b]History[/b] Alaska was born in the Ukraine. When things got tense between her father's pack and another, she and her brother were sent to live with her mother's mother. From the age of eight, she was homeschooled due to not knowing English very well. At the age of twelve she was in a car accident that caused not only her grandmother's death, but also left her with pertain occipital lobe damage. Because of this, she isn't able to see very well out of her left eye and instead picks up one just shadows. When she turned eighteen, her brother left to go back to the Ukraine. However, Alaska, having found Redthorn, stayed where she was. She hasn't seen her parents in over six years, but talks to them often.