Willow shook his head. "I don't know... I don't have any honest idea how it happened. My door was locked, my windows were locked. I slept all night, but I had horrendous dreams... I can't imagine any other way they got in..." he murmured. He looked over at her, his hesitation and fear showing on his face. He studied her, entirely, his eyes looking over her scarlet hair, seeming to absorb her vibrancy and kindness. He debated to himself a moment before sighing. "Sorry. I... I was just acting ridiculous. I can't even remember the dream I had. Maybe I deleted the picture. I don't know... It's all so... hazy now." He shook his head. "All of it... I ... I had a nightmare and I made a fool of myself." He looked away. "Thank you, though... so much... for..." he hesitated. "Everything. But I don't even remember what I'm upset about anymore... so..." He looked over at her. "I need to take a shower and then clean up the vines you guys cut." Lydia didn't see Adrian anywhere on the first floor, and she looked up the stairs to the second floor. I don't see him anywhere... She frowned to herself. The second story is Benjamin's floor and I don't know if I even want to go up there. I don't even know what's going on up there. She picked up a bagel from the kitchen. But if Willow's scared out of his mind like that, something's wrong. I've known him for... he's been my sidekick for almost three and a half years now. She realized this with a start. That's an awful long time to know someone, considering I didn't even know he was a plant manipulator. She looked at one of the vines lying on the kitchen floor. Or even his real name. He's always just kind of been there, upbeat, saying we'd work together and we'd take on whatever came our way. I thought he was a real nut. I never imagined he could have been number one. But if he can do all this in his sleep, he must have been holding back, this whole time. That was startling to her, that thought. Is it really possible that Willow could have been graduated already? Someone with this much power, what was he doing on the bottom? Even more than that, why isn't he a hero? She hopped on the kitchen counter, her dark wash blue jeans sliding smoothly over the countertop, crossing her legs at the ankles. He could probably be a hero with this power. What's he doing fucking around as a sidekick? She took a bite of her bagel, chewing it absentmindedly. She ended up lying down on the counter, holding the bagel above her face, taking periodic bites while she stared at the ceiling and thought about the possibility Willow might have been telling the truth. If they had been broken into in the night, if Willow had really seen something scary at the games, and she had really come into their house, then Lydia owed him a huge apology. And Willow didn't make a habit of lying. The thought of having to apologize put an annoyed pout on her face.