Orin just sighed, rubbing the back of his head as he was trying to think for a moment but with everyone talking to him it was easier said than done. "I have no clue why they would do something like this. Heck I only just saw them just now, they had already left by the time we reached the town... I was also too far away to hear them from this distance." It was at the point when they started walking towards the guild that Sophia spoke up "That would mean they had to have intercepted the mail on its way here right? There is no way they could have come in and seen the job before us. As they made their way back to the guild Orin waved off Akira "Everyone is fine uhh..." The large guy looked shy, and was trying to keep his distance from Elliot. By the time he reached inside of the guild, he took a good look around at all the new people that had turned up, and some late old faces. "Mother, what have you been doing? W-Where did all these people come from?" --- "They came here and wanted to join. So I let them. The raccoon and the boy behind the counter are now my new shop staff too." Orin was clearly taken back by this, though to be fair to the guy, anyone would have been at the suddenness of all this. Of course Beatrix just ignored this... With people reporting to her she gave the book a rest for a moment to answer them, and of course Hector had to be the first. "No, you are just not strong enough... If this is a guild there is no way you can take them on your own. I would like to remind you that guild masters are powerful people in their own right. Just give me a moment to figure things out will you? Now, is anyone here going to report on who they saw?" Thankfully a few of them did, including Orin, though Measha was among the first. "The one brought in by Hector is our resident carpenter and wood mage. The large softy with a fetish for chains is my son Orin" Orin looked pissed at that comment" "Hey! Don't go telling people strange things-," Beatrix just ignored him "And the cute girl is my Apprentice Sophia." With those questions answered she now started to look through the book of guilds as descriptions of the people were given. Everyone gave their own outlook on the matter and Beatrix was about to give her conclusion but suddenly she picked up a magazine and whacked Kale around the back of the head. "I said stop it with that wind stuff! You are messing up my concentration.. And my hair." With a sigh she passed the magazine to Sophia who went to join Sam behind the counter, introducing herself as Beatrix;s apprentice. "Right. We can assume they are local, and that they have something against us. We are too new to draw any real attention" Of course she did not know that they had, but the ones attacking them were small time as suspected. "Ah... Here. Serpents Dagger." Pushing the book across the counter, it was opened onto the page of the guild in question so that everyone could get a good look at the information provided. [b] Name: Serpents Dagger Founded: Year X690 Type: Legal Guild GuildMaster: Axcel Goulard Former Guildmaster: Simon Goulard [/b] Below the profile was a history, a huge one in fact given that the guild was very old. It had many pictures along with it. The former guildmasters was standing with his members, and throughout the ages they of course changed and the like, but most interestingly other guilds joined in on the pictures as well with the words 'will never forget' on a sign the guild master was holding up. This went all the way up to Simon where he was joined by his father a old man and his son, both of which looked unhappy during all the photos with the other guilds. By the time it was Axcel's turn to take over the photos with the other guilds had stopped and the old members were now gone with more and more strangers joining. Along with this there were several profiles on the key members of the guild, and of course they matched the ones that had attacked them. "Hmm.... Well, we are going to have to go and see them, they have a history of helping out starting guilds it seems, well they did." --- Within the lake where Rukia was bathing, a single shadow dashed across the banks, and only when it came to a stop did it make any noise. "Miss Rukia... I have a errand for our Lord. Your task is to continue your work with Azure Dragon, however our Lord wishes them to go to what is known as the 'Dark Tower'." This was the S-Class job they had obtained, the only one in fact... "However... If you wish he has 'other' tasks for one of your Beauty"