Tak's phone would ring for quite awhile. Eventually, someone answered. Not Tak, but someone else. A suave, velvet voice came through the phone. "Good evening. I'm afraid our dear Takahiro is... indisposed at the moment." ------------------------------------ The Shadow let out a small scream as its kneecap was struck by the hammer. But once again, that twisted giggle escaped the Shadow's lips and it reached down fast as lightning and grabbed Youhei by his throat. It didn't have him for long though. Ares dashed forward, striking out at the Shadow's hand. The blade cut through the Shadow's hand, which materialized in a split second. Youhei would fall to the floor just in time to see Yoro stab the Shadow a couple of times before grabbing Ares's hand. The Persona threw him up into the air. Yoro landed on the Shadow's back and began to strike its head over and over.