[Img= http://www.magic4walls.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/anime-girl-mask-redhead-painting-hd-wallpaper.jpg] [B]Name:[/b] Rita Venor [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [B]Affinity:[/b] Illusions [B]Spells:[/b] [List] [*]Tricksters Kiss- [/*] A simple illusion spell creating obstacles and items that aren't really there, varying from gold to large intricate creations. [*]Fools Wish-[/*] Allows Rita a small glimpse of someone's desires whether she over hears it or not allowing her to place the idea it exist or to show it to the person generally leading them around to obtain what it is they seek. [*]Devils Advocate-[/*] Allows her to create an illusion of her prey that effectively mimicked them and copied their motions, it's more or less meant to confuse and deteriorate her enemies moral. Mainly used in the presence of a pool of water or the reflective surface. [*]Silent Shade-[/*] A simple spell that muffles both Rita's presence and any sound she exhibits making it easier for her to sneak around or just go unnoticed. [*]Down the Rabbit Hole-[/*] A hit-and-miss spell, something new she's trying to learn, involving making the target think they're walking through a passage to another world, whether it be a fluffy magical sparkle land or a dark ghastly place she still doesn't have quite enough control to determine it often leaving it up to chance if the spell decides to work. [/list] [B]Personality:[/b] Generally Rita is laid back and rather down to earth, she likes to laugh and have a good time trying not to take things completely serious, only becoming serious either when she sees something that upsets her odd sense of morality, feeling no shame with killing someone if it means her own view on life is preserved, still slightly naive to all the ways of the world she might sometimes come across as too eager and willing to help if she thinks the cause is the right thing. Curious about a lot of things regretting the years she wasted acting as an errand boy to a bunch of self glorified thugs, also causing her to have a diversion and distaste towards most military figured she often just takes all the scrolls and books she can find. [B]Background:[/b] Growing up in a darker rural part of the capital city, so over run by criminals and petty gangs they had to erect a patrol guard to keep the Lower Quarter in line and help dispel the unrest brewing towards the capital. The third daughter in a family of five children, several of them adopted by the poor shoe cobbler and his wife, Rita and her siblings often spent most of their days begging and stealing food, money, small gifts, whatever it was the could find to feed themselves and help their parents out with the heavy taxes levied against them. Living on the streets Rita found that it was a lot easier to pose as a boy, keeping her hair cut short and in a page boy style drifting away from her siblings and their thieving ways having gained a illustrious view of the patrolman seeing them save a young woman from a drunkard wanting to have a little fun, not seeing afterwards as they sent the man away they had each taken turns with the young woman, she never realized it to years later she saw the same beautiful woman sitting begging for coin. But long before that Rita began hanging around their stables running errands and messages for them, following after them like a lost little puppy until they actually started calling her "Pup, run along and do this pup, oi! Pup go fetch this or go fetch that." She never realized how cruel and demeaning they were towards her. But it wasn't until she began to grow into her sex that it became harder and harder to get the guards to accept her even going so far as to apply making it through basic training and regiment before they kicked her out laughing saying if that if she wanted a job from them that she could just come back later and lay on her back in the stables and wait for them making lewd gestures. Furious and angry with herself Rita stalked the streets wandering where ever her feet decided to take her growling softly as she began to see more and more wrong doings by the same men she help in such high regard. The more she noticed the more a strange serene feeling swirled within her, it was running into that same female and finding out since she was soiled she was doomed to a cursed life that the dam snapped and a surge of magic and power flowed through her, acting as if almost possessed she let the magic guide her back to their station house running a hand across the cheek of one of the guards reaching out showing him a vision of his wife in side the building taking turns with his fellow guards, before moving on her eyes completely unfocused as two more started screaming about fires and spiders crawling everywhere giggling softly Rita turned on her heel twirling a simple quarter staff leaving a realm of confusion and chaos behind her heading out to find a new purpose in life. [b]Skills: Non-Magical[/b] [*]Pickpocketing- a trait and skill picked up after being kicked out of the Patrol regiment having to live hand to mouth.[/*] [*]Knife fighting- a skill she honed and crafted from a young age learned from her older brother and his little street gang, a skills she kept perfecting and practicing in secret. [/*] [b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] As a general rule Rita dislikes and doesn't trust people, besides that she finds strict honorable types rather boring and dull, going out of her way to use her gifts to trick and allude them into being foolish, that's not to say she doesn't care for company of others, but would rather be left alone with her thoughts and illusions. She also has a weakness for pretty gems having rarely seen them. [b]Description of Magic:[/b] Rita's magic works primarily off the fact her victims aren't in suspect that they're under an illusion, often casting them from a shadow or a hiding spot having worked her casting area over small 75 foot radius from her person. However once some realizes they're under the effects of a spell their power and strength weaken considerably more or less deteriorating into a battle of will, or long enough for Rita to get close enough in to accomplish what she set out to do often switching to her simple spells casting more of them faster, yes it drains her stamina and strength just as quickly however the bombardment of illusions generally helps her keep control of the situation.