@Forscythe: Accepted, but as Maho progresses I may request for you make changes to the spell tree. @Laue: Accepted. @SillyGoy: It seems that you didn't read the note I wrote at the bottom of the first post :O. I will allow you a small, crude dagger but no swords. Remember, you were exiled onto an island because people fear you. Why would they allow you near any weapons? I know I didn't explicitly say it, but the religion system here is different than in real life. Here, they worship two gods: Kajuss, god of Farnea, and Grindall, god of the Beyond. Apart from those two things, everything else is great :). @HellsGardenKeeper: The only real problem I see is that a lot of your spells are far too general to be considered appropriate for this early stage of the RP. Fools wish and Silent Shade are perfectly fine, but the rest you will have to limit to simple illusions. No fiery pits of hell, but a simple plain would be fine. No large, intricate creations, but simple or small things would be fine. You cannot bend what people believe to be true, unless it is something not close, or trivial to them. For example, you couldn't make someone believe that suicide is something that they should do, but convincing them that you are their long lost sister would be fine. Apart from that (and the quarter staff, a thing you do not have on the island), everything checks out. [b]After editing, drop a post and I will accept you. I was planning on writing the OoC today, but unfortunately Chicago feels like it's been trapped within a volcano, and I may die of heat stroke tonight. I'll be home early from school tomorrow, so expect it to be up then :D.[/b]