Carefully Sam collected some of the goo using the small shovel and slid it in the vial. He held it up against the light, it wasn't transparent and seemed to sport every color ranging from baby puke to wagon wheel grime. "Thick, sticky, almost rubber like construction... No evidence of it being very acidic or basic... Smells of rotten eggs, so that and the color suggest large amounts of sulfur, maybe. Either way it isn't natural in the slightest... Faint magical residue, some form of negative energy..." He mumbled as he took mental notes. He filled another vial and closed them with care, as to not get any of the stuff on him. He had no idea what it would do, but he could guess it wasn't great. He marched back inside satisfied with a vial in each hand. He set them on the counter next to the others and looked at Kaldis with wide eyes of wonder. "Hello... Can I.. Uhm, my name is Sam.. Can I touch those?" He asked carefully while staring at the antlers on Kaldis head."