"No, you are just not strong enough... If this is a guild there is no way you can take them on your own. I would like to remind you that guild masters are powerful people in their own right. Just give me a moment to figure things out will you? Now, is anyone here going to report on who they saw?" Hector folded his arms and gritted his teeth. Here she was, trying to baby him again like she did when he first met her. Didnt she remember he was a bounty hunter? Son of a Dragon. He lived for hard battles, some of the battles he fought nearly killed him but it only made him stronger. He took his massive sword from his back and leaned it against the table next to him as he sat / leaned on it as well. She found the guild they where looking for and heard the name. He had heard of them...never really crossed their path though before...he did pass many members of other guilds as he grabbed many marks from them before. He didnt have a good reputation among many of them. He looked down at the boy who he carried in, now woken by the new samurai. He then asked who was everyone. Hector raised an eyebrow as Sam asked to touch the kids antlers. He then said, "The only thing that surprises me about this kid is he slept through all that commotion with the wagon being blown up and all and he gets woken up by someone saying hes missing out." He shook his head and looked back to the group who were all talking amongst themselves. just a bunch of kids, in over their heads. the only one who looked capible was the samurai who wasnt a member yet...Elliot...despite being a fire wizard, and Orin...whom he had seen fight before. He moved over to the bar and grabbed a bowl of ice and walked back to his seat and started to eat it lie pop corn. Despite what ever was going to happen...might as well keep up his strength.