Nyima's heart was racing as she looked at the men who had surrounded her. What on earth had she gotten herself into? She heard the footsteps behind her and quickly turned. Water jetted out of the ocean, colliding with man trying to sneak up on her from behind. She looked from side to side, they left no place for her to turn her back to. There wasn't even anywhere for it to back up against a wall, which at this moment, she thought she would have preferred. She counted six in total, even if not a single one of them could bend, even being next to the water, Nyima could tell that this wasn't fight she was going to win. However, she was so scared to lose. She felt a hand grab her and yelped, pulling herself away. If this had been at home, Zhou would have come to her rescue. But this wasn't home and Zhou had probably just found out that she had run away. She could have gone anywhere, he wouldn't know she had gone to republic city. She slowly started to bend the water around them as a feeble threat.