Appearance: [img=] Name: Kama Gender: Male Alignment: (Mage) Covenant/Affiliation: Brother/Wanted for suspension of dark witchcraft Personality: Nonchalant, Yet the more tactical and clever between him and his sister. The horrific deeds he must act out in order to ensure he and his sister are safe have separated her from his socially and he fears emotionally. Biography: Kama as far as Tosama knows, is her father. While the truth remains hidden in a cloudy shroud of mystery and deceit. Kama raises his thirteen year old sister like a daughter, teaching her the ways of the world and who to and not to trust, almost like a father would about having sex. Though, Tosama has gotten older and much more aware of little things, and has begun to suspect his story to be slightly off, much from how many key events in his stories change from time to time, as if they didn't really happen, especially when she asks what happened to her mother. Power Description: Invisible Magic: Unlike most mages, Kama hasn't the ability to project his magic visibly or to a great range. Though, rather than letting this hinder him in his power he has build upon it. He forces it directly to where he wants it in his body and stabilizes it, which stronger compliments his dangerous fighting ability and greatly improves speed and potency of his throwing. Spells/Abilities: Kamasu- This is an adapted fighting style which takes many moves and techniques from Wing Chun, Karate and his most familiar Din Mak. By combining these three he is able to shatter bones with kicks, rupture blood vessels with palms and place enemies to sleep with precise strikes, amplified by his magic. This fighting style would be impressive at best, though his speed, strength and cleverness will keep any opponent on there feet, because trying to block a strike from his fingers will cause you immense pain and at worst a unusable arm, while a punch or palm could completely destroy it. Other skills: Info Gatherer- Kama is able to piece together a scenario within a few moments of being introduced to it, which is the reason other than the strength and speed of his fighting that he and his sister have come from many events unscathed Other: 26 Years old Appearance: [img=] Name: Tosama Gender: Female Alignment: (Mage) Covenant/Affiliation: Sister/Suspected as accomplice to dark mage Personality: King hearted, cheerful and very optimistic. Her loving view of the world is constantly being put down by her brothers overlord like figure, as he tries to protect and instill values in her that completely contradict her own. Biography: Same as brothers Power Description: Healing Spells/Abilities: External Wounds-Tosama can heal things such as slashes to the skin, bruises and scraps. While simplistic at best, this can come quite in handy when facing those who don't truly understand how she and her brother work together, Internal Wounds-Tosama originally sought out to master this first and only this, though after time and time again she has failed. Until recently Kama took a devastating blow to the gut from a lance, busting his kidneys and stomach. What seemed like a doomed fate due to his lack of carelessness was postponed due to his sisters coming of skill. She has finally managed to successfully preform the spell, reanimating his stomach and the organs in it as the attack searched around for her. Eventually Kama got up and managed to sneak up on him for a silent and deadly poke to the neck, putting him in a coma for the animals around to dine on, leaving no traces of Kama or his involvement. Mana Feeder-Tosama is able to direct his own magical energy into her brother, as long as she is within 60 feet of range, allowing him to fight as hard as he needs to while using up absolutely none of his own mana. Once hers is depleted he can get to his own, if the fight last that long. Unfortunately though, this technique is more of a trump card. Since doing so will leave Tosama completely immobile as if she is in a sleep state and once its all gone any wounds her brother takes are there for good. Other skills: Cooking and singing Other: 13 years old