It was cold and rainy, but it was oddly warm, there was a fire... on a car!! "FUCK!!" Milo ran to it, to drag out the passengers, he got out Tiffany the girl he liked and her dad, but as he ran back to get his mom out of their car, the explosion happened. Milo was thrown to the ground, lucky enough to land on the soft grass on the side of the road, but not lucky enough to avoid the door that crushed him. Milo awoke expecting to be in the ER, he knew he wouldn't look good after a door landing on him the way it did, but thats not what he found, instead he found himself laying in the middle of a school campus. "Son of a..." he sat up, "I guess that was a dream but it was so real, hurt so much, and I don't remember this place at all, what the hell is going on?!!" He shouted to the world.