[center][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/6d228e9808917ed44366e9d45f68251e/tumblr_mqr3c8isz81socks4o1_500.jpg] [b]"Don't worry! I'm just an ordinary girl!"[/b] [i][b]Name:[/b] Sayu Hisanuma [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Crime:[/b] Murdered her family ;-; [b]Personality:[/b] Sayu was never the loud one. She was usually reserved. She never really payed much attention to her surroundings. She was always stuck on the internet. In school all she ever did was observe those around her. That's only when she's outside. Around her parents she was a fun loving girl who had energy. She loved her parents deeply and never intended to hurt them. But that's until her sister came in the family picture. She hated everyone, even her parents. She couldn't stand how they payed more attention to Abby than herself. Sayu couldn't help but kill them in the end. [b]Bio:[/b] Sayu enjoyable murdered her family. Without even thinking about it. She didn't even shed a tear. It all happened when they came home with another child. She was always the main attention. That little child would always get in the way and act innocent. Sayu quietly never told her parents about her "sister's." It happened at 10:00 am her parents were already gone for work; it was only her and her sister. They walked over to the kitchen table and had an awkward conversation. Sister:[b] "I hate you!"[/b] Sayu: [b]"Mhm."[/b] It just keep going back and forth as Sayu walked into the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. She was lucky her father had a butcher knife. Or else she wouldn't have enjoyed this moment. Her sister looked at her, straight in the eye. She ran. Screaming her head off, Sayu giggled and hugged herself of excitement. She dragged herself towards wherever her sister was hiding.(Let's call her Abby?) Abby ran inside her closet. Scared, she had her dazzled phone in hand. Sayu had a difficult time, her sister was a smart one. Abby quickly dialed the police, before she could speak, Sayu grabbed her from the tight closet and stabbed her. Abby fell to the floor, phone in hand as she looked up at her sister. [b]"You're a monster.."[/b] She mumbled crawling away with the phone. Finally, the speaker talked but she was completely late. Sayu was already stabbing her delicate sister. After she finished she grabbed a hold of the phone and laughed. [b]"She's gone."[/b] Hearing the door knob twist, Sayu stabbed herself in the stomach and laid down next to her sister. Shedding tears. Her parents cried as they ran towards both of them. Abby was long gone dead. Sayu just watched as her parents scurried over to hug Abby while Sayu was in pain. Her mother grabbed Sayu and threw her in the car. They were going to the police. Sayu silently giggled as she watched her parents panic. Her parents cried and cried as they spoke with the police. Sayu got out, acting innocent as she fell to the floor. Luckily her butcher knife was right in her pocket. If only the police man turned around she could quickly kill her parents. She slowly reached for the knife as she crawled behind them. The police man left them for a while to get something; this was Sayu's chance. She rose her knife up and stabbed both of them in the neck. [b]"Fudging die."[/b] After that incident they Police man spotted her and grabbed her taking her to jail. She still had that smile on her face.[/i][/center]