[b]Name[/b]: Micheal Finch [b]Age[/b]: 21 Appearance: [img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379785855/475598.jpg[/img] [b]Previous Occupation[/b]: Was to young to have a job at the time. [b]Nationality[/b]: American [b]Personality[/b]: Micheal is pretty easy going. He is non-confrontational, so if something is wrong, he'll be the one to look the other way. He is shy, but not when it comes to girls.He feels more comfortable around girls because he was brought up in an all women household. His psychiatrist had diagnosed him with A.D.H.D, making anything that requires extreme focus a disadvantage to him. [b]Skills[/b]: -Has some skill in close combat (Baseball Bats, Crowbars etc.) -Knows how to set minor traps [b]Weapons/Items[/b]: At the moment he is carrying a steel crowbar, a sleeping bag, half a roll of toilet paper, His grandmothers necklace , battery operated lamp (With dead batteries), and enough can foods to last him a few more days. [b]Bio[/b]: Michaels parents were young, aspiring travelers who could never settle down in one spot. Michaels Mom, Rosanne, gave birth to him during an intermediary stage of their travels. but, she and her husband were to young to raise a child, and quite frankly, didn't have the time.Like all young, helpless moms, Rosanne had brought Michael to her parents house in France so she could raise him and take care of him while she wasn't around. Michaels aunt was also living there at the time. This was probably best for him. He was home schooled by his grandmother and aunt in a small cottage house just on the outskirts of Paris. Micheal was a happy child ,and like all others, he was care free. Because Michael was home schooled, he never had a normal school experience. Having lots of friends, teachers, recess, these were all alien to Michael. All Michael had was his textbooks and video games. Day and night he played his video games and he didn't like anything more. His aunt and his grandmother tried introducing things to him like sewing, and sports, but he showed little interest. One of the things Michael did take interest in, was the outdoors. After beating a level in his game he'd go on an "Adventure", when he took a break from school work, he walked along the stream in the woods. This was his routine for years. It was a good life, until his grandmother fell ill from an unknown virus. Michael's Aunt did all she could, but it in the end it was for naught. The tragedy broke the hearts of many and left Michael and his aunt all alone. Michael and his aunt stayed in the house , watching as society collapsed over the years. This virus hit hard, and it was all to lucky that both Michael and his aunt didn't get infected. Years had past since the death of Michaels grandma, and since then, Michael and his aunt survived in their cottage. fighting off scavenging raiders, setting traps for wild animals to eat, and all the other stuff that helped them get through each day . Him and his aunt heard rumors of a safe haven in Scotland from survivors who passed by. They decided they'd make their way there, and try to live without fear of infection or fear of their home being destroyed by raiders. They packed all they could, and made their way north. When Michael turned 17, his aunt came down with the virus. She passed away shortly after. Michael didn't know how to feel about the situation, so he didn't. He hid his emotions behind a facade and traveled on, making his way north and trying to survive on his own. Him and his aunt had just made their way to the heart of England before she passed on. And since than, he had traveled alone . [b]Other[/b]: The necklace his carries around is a three picture locket of his mother, his aunt, and his grandma.