Adrian narrowed his eyes as she walked away, [i]"Was she just...eyeing me?"[/i] A smirk formed across his face as he watched her walk away. [i]"So she is attracted to me. Glad to know the attraction is reciprocated."[/i] Adrian slid off the top of the counter, and as he did a single file line of scantily clad men and women descended the stairs and out the front door. Behind them followed Benjamin who gave a few of them winks and slaps on the ass, which they responded playfully by flashing him smiles and waving him goodbye. "Come again! Especially you, Kyle," he called out before slamming the door behind them. He then strolled into the kitchen, flung open the fridge, and poured himself some orange juice. "Y'know, if your jimmies are really rustled about last night's break in; I could give you the keys to the Maserati today in order to make it up to you. After all, you have to go to school, right?" "I don't care about a damn ca-" "What about the Ferrari?" "Again, I don't ca- Wait, a Ferrari?!" "Yep! Hot pink too!" Begrudgingly Adrian said, "Sounds good, but I'm not forgetting what happened. I'm still taking measures to prevent this from happening again." "Of course," Benjamin said as he ascended the stairs. "Do whatever you find necessary to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'll get those keys for you!"