50 kg

[b]Name:[/b] Anneliese Deichmann

[b]Age:[/b] 25

[b]Previous Occupation:[/b] She did not have a job due to the fact that she wasn't an adult at the time.

[b]Nationality:[/b] German

[b]Personality:[/b] Anneliese tends to come off as cold and brooding. She is an overconfident, cold, proud, snobby brat and she never smiles or laughs. She's usually bored, easily annoyed, somewhat angry, and pretty much hateable. Furthermore, she has no sense of humor and takes everything personally and seriously. Anneliese usually direct and upfront (and expects others to be the same). She's judgemental and biased, although she's been managing to become better lately.

[b]Skills:[/b] During her travels with Heidi during the outbreak she learned how find edible plants(Heidi taught her). She has some combat skills since she has to fend for herself(and originally Heidi).

[b]Weapons/Items:[/b] A leather satchel filled with tin cans stuffed with edible plants, and one can of beans(Though she is quickly running out, she can't figure out how to ration her food), a pocket knife, a box of matches(Temporary light, though it only lasts for a few seconds anyways).

[b]Bio:[/b] Anneliese was born into a wealthy family, she was spoiled from the beginning and never lifted a finger. She was raised in Leizpig Germany and during her childhood, she was mostly taken care of by an elderly nanny named Heidi. Heidi taught Anneliese her rights from her wrongs and taught her values that would be important later on in her life. Heidi was practically her mother.
Her real mother however was rather skeptical of the old nanny, and often times ended up yelling at Heidi when Anneliese did something bad(Breaking a vase for example).
As she grew older, her family ended up growing rather distant. Anneliese's father secretly slept with other women behind her mother's back and came home late and when he did he wreaked of alcohol. Heidi grew weaker due to her old age, and could barely do the family's laundry without her hands trembling.

When Anneliese turned 14 the outbreak hit her city, people began dropping like flies, they were frantic to leave the city to find shelter. It had only been a few days and the population had already began to decrease. The citizens began to panic, and some sorted to ransacking homes in order to survive. Her mother fell to the virus and soon after, her father, which left Anneliese in the hands of the old nanny Heidi. The two fled the home, finding it no longer suitable for their stay(The house was practically asking to get raided). Anneliese took care of Heidi as they traveled, she scavenged what she could from empty stores/gas stations. But soon the old woman soon grew too weak to move and passed in her sleep from old age. Anneliese was now on her own, traveling to find somewhere safe to stay.

[b]Other:[/b] N/A