Name:Jasmine Davis Age:27 Appearance:Jasmine is a tall girl at 6'3 and weighs around 175lbs she's quite muscular on her entire body.She has many tattoos across her arms the most noted being her old US marine corps tattoo this tattoo is now X'd out ever sense her betrayal.Jasmine also has what appears to be sharp vines and thorns twisting down her left arm from her shoulder to her wrist.On her knuckles Jasmine has BAMF (stands for badass mother fucker).On the opposite hand she has four numbers 6179 this was the number code of the first crime she ever committed which was armed robbery at a gas station. Crime:Jasmines crimes have ranged from theft to robbery to murder embezzlement arson and sabotage from the time she was a young girl.Jasmines biggest crime however was when she killed her squad off in the marines and sabotaged an entire military base and the embassy it protected.This catapulted Jasmine into a terrorist group called Venom this group spanned from The Middle East to South Africa and controlled many routes of illegal drugs and armaments.Jasmine quickly climbed the ranks of this group till she became the Co-Commander for several years Jasmine held her spot until things went south and she was finally captured having been on most wanted lists for years. Personality:Jasmine is a very violent angry individual but she can also be patient and calculating with deadly precision when she wants something done.Jasmine is also a very independent strong woman and holds a particular distain for men in authority.Jasmine is sadstic and will kill anyone she feels is an obstacle even her own 'allies'. Bio:Jasmine grew up in a very poor down town area so naturally she was exposed to all forms of crime and quickly she became infatuated with it.With the thrill the rewards and the power that came with being involved in crime, Jasmines mother was never around she was killed the day after Jasmine was born her father a severe alcoholic and drug addict beat her on a day to day basis and abused her physically emotionally and sexually.One day Jasmine had enough of her fathers abuse and when he was laying on the couch she smashed a bottle on his head knocking him out.She then took gasoline and filled the house with it using an improvised Molotov cocktail she blew the house up and burned her father to death.After that Jasmine was sent to a troubled teens home and several foster parents.When she came of the age of 18 she had no where to turn and no where to run so she joined the Marines.Being one of the only women in the marines she became strong and learned to fight but her tendencies never went away.She realized she could become so much more and offed her squad joining up the the terrorist group called Venom. Skills:Firearms,Improvised weapons,Explosives,Fist fighting,Stealth,Causing panic.