Beatrix thought for all but a moment before she had chosen what they were going to do. They had to take action, after all they had already attacked and that could not stand, since if she did allow it she would show that she may be weak to them... People were such fools sometimes, but that could not be helped. "You can borrow this one. However, it seems these people have attacked my shop so I will deal with them if I have too. If you all don't want to I wont blame you. After all you are only members, and some of you are brand new so..." Orin nodded with a smile to Measha, that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said about his look, other than some women calling him rather 'manly'. However as Beatrix was speaking he soon moved forwards to place his hand on her shoulder, giving a thumbs up and a bright smile when she turned around to see the supportive face of her son, and of course Sophia's behind the bar and she knew full well Hector would do anything she told him. "I suppose I am not that alone in this. Right then! Let's go teach these pansies what it means to mess with us!" Orin cheered along with Sophia, soon following her out the door, but of course on the way Beatrix did have something less sappy to say. "That was not me asking people. Get your asses moving or I will move them for you!" --- The Lake [hider=Gwendolyn][img=] [/hider] Lifting her head the girl could be seen for who she was; Gwendolyn the Guild Masters Bodyguard. None of the guild had ever seen her fight, or even lift a finger to protect the guild master, and yet for some reason the master held her abilities over all others, but it was unknown why. "So it shall be... Though do not be surprised to be in distress for real within that accursed tower. Even so, is Walpurgisnacht not going overboard on this guild? They are new and have not much profit to sate your greed" The girl mouthed off with such a dull tone, almost as if it was normal for her... --- Serpent's Dagger Guild Hall Axcel was smiling away as he was smoking, only when Sayuri spoke did it go away from his lips as he was reminded why he should have been pissed off. "Yes. You see some unwanted visitors are on their way. A little guild full of scum that think they can take us on despite us having over two hundred members to our name." She would have known it was the guild they had been basically bullying out of town, now they were coming for payback. "The others are already set up and waiting for them to enter. You may aid them however you wish... Prove yourself to me heh" - [youtube]T8k9y2hunuU[/youtube] Beatrix was leading the guild members towards the Dagger guild, of course ti would not have been that easy as over one hundred people stood before them to block their way. "Well.. I suppose this would be a nice incentive." She ignored the huge gang and turned around to the group. "Today is your test day! This will decide your rank within the guild and not only because of protecting it. Don't worry. I shall be watching you all, but first we have to get you inside... I and Sophia shall deal with the ones out here. Theere should be plenty within for you." With that BEatrix nodded to sophia who got her ink. The two moved forwards and displayed a long forgotten magic, "Unison Raid!" With one swing of her book a paper line formed before bursting up into a wall, parting all the enemy guild members as it did. At the same time ink greww across the pages, turning it into a seemingly real stone tunnel all the way towards the front door, clear of enemies. "Well? Move it!" Beatrix shouted as she took the left, and Sophia took the right.