[u]Appearance:[/u] [hider=Luna without contacts][img] http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6xinuMpwA1rajwsqo1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Luna with contacts][img]http://static.tumblr.com/40ec696238118659d5e2c4a4257f0746/ttcqlfi/STCmtskr0/tumblr_static_ericericaerica.gif[/img] [img] https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5oSoYegCdtBiQpudsrjwRhGV_XQATNinwElxCQX0Q91TQP4cu[/img][/hider] [u]Name: [/u] Luna Marionette [u]Codename: [/u] [u]Age:[/u] 18 [u]Place of Birth:[/u] Hume, Fauquier County, Virginia. [u]Occupation:[/u] Student [u]Family:[/u] Parents Joseph Marionette and Angie Marionette residing in Virginia [u]Sexual Orientation:[/u] Pan-Sexual [u]Relationship Status:[/u] Single [u]Mutant Ability:[/u] Lupine mutation, much like the proclaimed Sabretooth and Wolverine. Accelerated healing factor which includes virtual immunity to known diseases, Enhanced senses of sight, smell & hearing, superhuman strength to a degree not strong enough to lift a building but could lift someone twice her body weight and throw them across the room. Enhanced athleticism and reflexes, retractable claws at the tip of each finger, Claws are extremely sharp and are capable of cutting most known conventional materials and flesh. This mutation comes with flaws, her bestial nature makes her unpredictable and she struggles to control it. She has elongated canines which she cannot retract; her eyes are constantly a bright yellow colour she has to wear contacts to conceal them losing her enhanced sight when she wears them. Her ears are also pointed and she has a strict beauty regime to stop sideburns from growing on her cheeks. She can contort her vocal chords to form growls, howls and snarls etc. It’s unknown whether she can transform into a wolf or wolf hybrid like Wolfsbane or Wolf Cub. [u]History:[/u] Luna was born during a lunar Eclipse, she appeared in this world with burning wolf like yellow eyes. Her parents were concerned about the yellow eyes but were assured by the doctors at the hospital that there was nothing wrong with her on the whole. They didn’t deem it necessary to dig any deeper into it telling her parents it may have been an altered form of Ocular albinism. They put their worry to the back of their minds and took little Luna home, it only became apparent she was very different when she began teething, her teeth came through very quickly and were sharp to the touch. She also begun to sprout hair along her cheeks, by the time she was crawling her parents discovered she had some kind of regeneration ability, they had to finally accept their child was a mutant. Despite knowing this her parents kept her with them on their ranch in Virginia, they raised her away from normal society, depending on a few close family members and friends to keep her as secretive as possible for fear of people’s reaction to her. She didn’t develop any further abnormalities until she was 13, where her senses and strength enhanced, she also discovered she could make claws spring from the tips of her fingers. Unfortunately around this time, her bestial nature took a stronger hold of her causing her to have severe mood swings and to become restless with her current way of life. Her young teenage years were the hardest for her parents, Luna became extremely volatile and unpredictable. She longed to leave the safety of her parents ranch, to go out and meet new people, people her own age, she naively wouldn’t accept that because she was different it was highly unlikely that she would be accepted into the community without serious prejudice. Her father tried to distract her by teaching her the family business but she could only get close to the horses when she was completely calm in mind and body. They eventually caved in on their decision just before her 18th birthday and agreed to send her to a normal school. Luna was beyond happy at their decision, her mother brought her a pair of contact lenses to wear and helped her get rid of her embarrassing sideburns. They couldn’t hide her elongated canines and gave her strict instructions to NOT disclose or show any of her other powers to anyone else. Luna’s first day of school was a disaster as her parents thought it would have been, she was ridiculed for her elongated canines even after she told the story of having them pulled down to look like that, in fact her story made them ridicule her even more. She was called a freak for doing it and was picked on for being home schooled and wearing old ranch clothes, they called her a farm girl and accused her of smelling. They were incredibly cruel to her and caused her to lose her temper, she injured the main antagonist severely leaving him with large lacerations to his face and torso, not only did she reveal she was a mutant she came across as dangerous. She ran away from the school before she could be punished returning to her parents ranch later that evening, they already knew what had happened. They explained to Luna that what had happened was unacceptable and that the poor boy would have to live with her mistake for the rest of his life, as he would be scarred for life. The local community spoke out in anger at the attack and demanded justice for what had happened, Luna’s parents were forced to send her away for her own safety. They had heard of Professor Xavier’s school and went out of their way to locate it, begging for them to accept Luna as a student it was really her last chance. [u]Luna’s personality:[/u] Luna is a conflicted individual; she struggles with her bestial nature on a regular day to day basis. She wants to be carefree and friendly all the time; she loves the idea of being around others and making friends. But sometimes she can’t help but be brash and rude to the people around her, she is likely to strike out if she is angered or afraid and does not take kindly to be challenged whether it be mentally or physically. She is very protective of her friends and loyal to them once she respects them. She carries a huge amount of guilt for what she has done in her past, and has locked it away in the back of her mind, choosing to live in denial instead of accepting the truth. Unfortunately a trait that has stuck with her, she protects herself from emotional trauma by avoiding her problems or in some cases keeping people at arms length. Luna has had steamy affairs in the past but has never crossed the line into a relationship, she’s not particularly good at talking about her feelings to another person. Her bestial nature makes her libido rather high she's a monogamous person who admires beauty in both sexes she strongly believes that people should love or lust after who they want without prejudice. Luna can be intense to be around sometimes, despite her anti social tendencies shes a very passionate person some would say she's impulsive and can be rather outrageous in how she acts. [u]Extra:[/u] Suffers from Cleithrophobia ( fear of being trapped) Strong negative emotions (Example: Intense fear or anger) can lead to a loss of control where she will become more beast like in her actions normally very aggressive and violent when this happens.