Zhi had woken up from a call to her Telephone, sitting up, she answered it: A call from her Uncle that they had found the Avatar, which fully woke her up. The news had made her day, her month, her year even! Since she was nine she wished for this day, and now it was here. She was told that he had halted the White Lotus so they could wait on her, and told her not to waist anytime getting ready and getting there to the new Avatar's home. It was supposed to be a day off for her, but she didn't care about that. In a matter of minutes she had taken a shower, gotten dressed, braided her hair, and applied her makeup. Although she looked fine to the normal eye, she could see the flaws in her makeup and the way her hair was braided, though she didn't dwell on it. Swinging on her jacket, she slapped her gloves on, sent a blade down each of the sleeves, and then made her leave. Quickly making her way to the other White Lotus members, she nodded to them and they set off. Zhi walking a short distance behind them, she would leave them in the front to present the news, while she was just a sentry. Her job would be to protect the Avatar, which she planned on doing. Even teach them firebending, though if they already knew it, she could help them train in it, even train them in combat. Many thoughts ran into her mind, focusing on one at a time. She wondered how many sentries would be placed around the new Avatar, it was known by the White Lotus that she was above most in her station, so she would be capable of defending the new Avatar herself. But that wouldn't stop them from sending more, she was sure. Even still, this new Avatar needed freedom, not having millions of sentries surrounding him pretty much screaming "He's the Avatar!" she sighed at the thought and shook her head, but it would make sense as to why there would be allot of sentries. There were gangs, Agni Kai, Red Monsoon, and the Triple Threat Triad. Didn't need this new Avatar getting wrapped up into anything of there's. As well, Rogue Benders, what if the new Avatar was an Airbender to start with? She bit her lip due to her being nervous about that, but stopped when she calmed down. Of course, that's why she was there, to protect him. Plus she had the police force, and the White Lotus as backup. So there was nothing to worry about, she took another breath as she felt they were getting closer.