Hey all. I see everyone is posted, I think. Or at least everyone who has a CS. Please correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a long day and Java screws with a man's mind. Anyways, I plan to post a plot advancement post a little later tonight. I will be assuming you are all on the island, and no one has yet found the underground fortress. (Hint, Sonam is closest). So if any of you would like to post about your travels or anything else, please post before later tonight (idk, 4-5 hours from now). If you have not posted, you will be assumed to be wandering around a marketplace, and you will be brought to the WarChamber. [hider=If you are somehow very very creative and want to know how to get to the underground fortress, click here.] Two coins in the painted dragon's eyes (It is on a wall, graffiti style) will open light the dragon's scales, but also will bring attention. Not everyone on the top of the island is friendly, maybe not everyone under it either. There is an elderly gentleman with a cane, the handhold of this cane is shaped like a dragon's head. He is a friend, but no character knows that explicitly. If you say the right words to him, you may be helped, but let me play his part. [/hider] --- Hey sorry guys. I won't get the plot progression up tonight. It's like 3 AM here and I'm wiped. I've been doing java homework with some calculus stuff and yeah. I will probably get it up tomorrow night. I'd do it in the afternoon, but I have to interview this elderly gentleman with a stutter for a story that I'm writing, so it could take a while. If anyone wants to add some filler post about exploring Roku's Island, or their transport there, go right ahead.