Hector looked to Elliot and as she stated the obvious she hinted she should go with him. Not something he was hoping for he preferred to work alone though he did recognize that she was a formidable warrior. He was about to say something when suddenly Beatrix decided to take the whole guild with her to teach the servants guild a lesson. E sighed and said, "it would seem I don't have any choice in the matter. Looks like we are all going..." He stood and placed his sword on his back before downig the rest of the ice in one gulp. ---- As they made it to the other guild Beatrix said this was a. A test... Not much one in his opinion but if he can be a S class after this little battle? Worth it. As Beatrix did the unison raid with Sophia, clearing a path, Hector unsheathed his sword and grinned. As soon as the tunnel appeared Hector bolted to the head of the pack. Running through the tunnel till he came to the door at which he didn't break stride as lifted his left foot and slammed it against the door, busting them down and sending the wooden spliters every where. He slid to a stop with his sword on his shoulder and smiled even more, his breathing could be Seen as breath came out like it was freezing around him. After the crash and dust and the wood settled he heard the men and woman start to worry as they recognized who he was....he heard "it's the frozen fang "or " Hector the head hunter" in worried tones which only made him chuckle before running into the thickest part of the enemy guild, sword raised and slashed clearing a path with one sweep and knocking four guys back and knocking 10 more behind them. He ducked and weaved in-between random blast of magic or swings of magical weapons or fists. He came to a point where he was surrouneded by all with in the first few minutes of the fight and someone said, "We got him surrounded! GET HIM!" He slammed his sword into the ground and smirked as they moved in what seemed like slow motion for him as his adrenaline was high now. He lowered himself slighting taking in a deep breath and roared, "ICE DRAGON ROAR!" Turning his head as a flow of ice shot from his mouth molding around those closest (about ten more) and knocking them back as they landed as a massive piece of ice on the ground. Then his arms turned to ice up to his elbow, with out hesitation he jumped at the man who had Beast take over Magic, twice his size and decked him in the face...causing hiim to take a few steps back from the blow shaking his head before swinging back.