[img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/278/d/d/rain_by_angelgirl5132-d3068ob.jpg] [b]Age[/b]: 36 [b]Alignment[/b]: Mage [b]Affiliation[/b]: Covenant of Scholars [b]Personality[/b]: William has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Literally being a walking library, William has no patience for fools - anyone who has no desire to seek knowledge like him. Fitting right in with the more intellectual types, William usually refuses to even acknowledge "brutes". However, if those "brutes" display a desire to learn more, William will quickly become the best teacher they ever had. [b]Bio[/b]: Born to a family of servants, who watched over a noble's huge library - a massive building full of books. It was their job to organize and catalogue the books, as well as taking care of them and the building itself. As soon as he could read, William started figuratively devouring books, one by one. Unlike anyone else, William displayed an uncanny talent to remember everything he read, capable of reciting entire books just out of memory. The noble they served made use of this, going as far as adopting him and parading him around, all for his own selfish goals. Nevertheless, William soon joined the top of the intellectual community of Meldiniar, and even had meetings with Dwarven inventors - a rare honor for a human. But for all his success, William harbored a secret - his memory, his knowledge was caused by the Arcane power inside him. Though unlike most mages, his powers don't have visible effects, like creating sparks or moving objects without touching them. Careful about not being discovered, he sought protection and work in the vast underworld of the empire. It is there where he met Deliah Eternus and learned of his plan - a plan that works perfectly for him. [b]Power Description:[/b] William has little combat capabilities, though he can quickly disable an attacker, he lacks any direct combat magic or even fighting skills. He usually relies on his knowledge of the opponents biological and physiological weaknesses to overcome threats. [b]Spells[/b]: [list] [*][b]Lorekeeper[/b] - the passive magical effect that allows him to "store" any and all knowledge, which can also be used by his other spells. He can "load" one topic at a time, like "Medicine" and have full access to everything he knows about the specific topic, and not anything else. Switching topics requires a few moments of concentration. Since all of his stored knowledge requires magic to "access" and "remember", if he is for any reason unable to use magic, he cannot access his knowledge. Without anything "loaded", William is still extremely intelligent, just not the point he remembers every sentence he read in a book.[/*] [*][b]Analyze[/b] - William places a minor enchantment on any object or creature, instantly "loading" all he knows about said object or creature. Furthermore, as long as the spell is in effect, he will be able to fully learn any move or spell the target uses. However, this information must be "loaded" just like everything else. And even though William might learn how a master swordsman fights, he still lacks the strength and muscle memory to copy it completely.[/*] [*][b]Mend[/b] - William's healing differs from regular magic healing in that instead of just dramatically boosting a body's regeneration, he uses his own anatomical knowledge to heal. Though this process is far slower, it also has no side effects, nor can be interfered with various healing reduction magical effects.[/*] [*][b]Exhaust[/b] - By manipulating the air composition around a target, William is able to quickly tire out and exhaust an attacker, without killing it. This spell is completely useless against anything that does not breathe.[/*] [/list] [b]Skills[/b]: [list] [*][b]Meditation[/b] - William does not sleep. Instead, he goes into a trance-like state, browsing and cross-referencing the knowledge contained inside him. However, he needs more time to achieve same level of rest than compared to just sleeping.[/*] [/list] [b]Equipment[/b]: None [b]Other[/b]: William has absolutely no sense of humor. Even though he sometimes tries to be "funny".