[b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Armor] [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2005/128/b/0/Paladin_by_H_Minus.jpg] [/hider] Underneath the armor, He has short, neatly-cut, black hair, and rugged (nearly clean-shaven) facial hair. His eyes are a deep blue color, and he has a light skin tone. Whenever he isn't wearing his armor, he usually wears a combination of a white shirt, and brown leather pants, often accompanied by a white cloak bearing the symbol of the Paladins of Meldiniar. Underneath the cloak is usually a brown belt carrying his sword and dagger. [b]Name:[/b] Varkasan Trenact [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Alignment:[/b] Paladin [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Guardians [b]Personality:[/b] Varkasan is a very approachable fellow, despite how some people may view Paladins. He is friendly to nearly everyone he meets, while still maintaining the image and discipline of Paladins as an elite fighting force of the Meldiniar Kingdom. He tries his best to find a peaceful solution to conflicts, and will avoid violence if at all possible. However, this does not mean he is any less capable in combat. Varkasan is a skilled swordsman, with his early training, he knows numerous ways to tackle an armed opponent. His skill is also backed by an unwavering drive to fulfill his duty as a Paladin. His loyalty to their cause is almost zealot-like, as he will do whatever it takes to bring to justice, anyone (magic-user or not) he believes to be a threat to his kingdom. Because of this, he is nearly incorruptible, and will most likely choose duty over any temptations and emotions. [b]Bio:[/b] Varkasan was born to a family who resided in the town of Paltrica, located near the Meldiniar capital. His father was a soldier, while his mother was a simple housewife. He lived a relatively normal life for a boy like himself. Though he had always looked up to his father and aspired to follow in his footsteps. His father often taught him different sword-fighting techniques in order to prepare him for the future, as he always expected his son to inherit his abilities and put them to good use. At the age of 17, Varkasan enlisted into the military and quickly made himself known to his superiors with his combat skills, and unwavering loyalty to Meldiniar. His ability to resist both fear and temptation so that he can carry out his orders made him a candidate for becoming a Paladin. Since The Paladins are considered the most prestigious warriors in Meldiniar, at the age of 19, Varkasan accepted the offer without hesitation. He spent the next two years undergoing the special training needed in order to wield the “divine power of Light”. The two years were some of the hardest of his life, but his zeal managed to carry him through where some would surrender. Nearing the end of the two-year mark, Varkasan’s body was about ready to give, but his spirit refused to stop. At the end of his training, he underwent the dangerous initiation needed to hold the power of Light, and he survived. Though Varkasan could remember none of what happened, he was both joyful and relieved. After being put into The Paladins, Varkasan was put into The Guardians. A Paladin branch dedicated to the defense of Meldiniar and her people from any Mages who would dare cause destruction and disruption of the peace. Despite his skills and iron will, Varkasan is still new to The Paladins and the way they work, and so he still has much to learn. [b]Power Description:[/b] [i][u]"The Gift of Light"[/u][/i] - Varkasan's abilities are centered around being able to both coat and imbue objects with light energy. Using this, he can make his shield and armor repulse most magic thrown against it. While using it on other objects will allow him to turn things, from his swords and weapons to the most unsuspecting everyday object, into a weapon of light. Varkasan usually coats his equipment with Light during combat, in order to increase their effectiveness against Mages. However, he has almost no way to fight from a distance, and will often have to rely on allies when fighting Mages from long-range. Otherwise, he simply defends himself as he tries to turtle his way closer to his enemy. [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*][i][u]Shield of Light[/u][/i] - Varkasan will enchant an object, covering it with the power of Light Energy. This is usually used on his combat equipment, though he can also use it for other things if the situation calls for it. The intensity of the light depends on how much energy the wielder chooses to coat the object with. While he cannot create his own Light weapons, he can transform regular equipment into anti-mage weapons of equal caliber.[/*] [*][i][u]Holy Flare[/u][/i] - Varkasan will transfer Light Energy inside of the object (as oppossed to simply covering it). This will render the object unstable, and it will disintegrate and explode into a small ball of pure Light Energy after a few seconds, scorching any living creature and Magic Energy caught within a small shockwave when it explodes. The Flare will also remain in the air for 30 seconds (or less, depending on how much Magic Energy is thrown against it), and will release a weak aura that slowly burns away at Magic Energy close to it. It can also act as a light source due to the brightness of the flare. This ability lets Varkasan turn most everyday objects into lethal explosives.[/*] [*][i][u]Burning Reflection[/u][/i] - This ability is focused on assisting fellow Paladins. When a Paladin uses a more offensive type of Light Energy (such as using weapons or projectiles of pure light), Varkasan can put them in contact with his equipment (or basically, have them hit him) and amplify their power before "reflecting" the attack towards an actual target. This allows the attack to have as much as double or triple the intensity of its original strength, depending on how much energy Varkasan puts into it. This only works however, if the equipment it goes into contact with is under the effects of "Shield of Light". Otherwise (while he can still reflect the attack to hit something else), the power will not be increased.[/*] [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] - [u]Swordsmanship[/u]: Trained from a young age, Varkasan has skills that can rival some of the finest warriors in Meldiniar. However, he is not very effective in combat without his weapons. - [u]Loyalty[/u]: Varkasan will never turn his back on Meldiniar and its people. He will brush aside temptations to betray them, and will take on even the most terrifying of threats if necessary. Though, he does keep an open mind on some things, his loyalty to his kingdom is the one thing he cannot be persuaded otherwise about. - [u]Negotiation/Understanding[/u]: Thanks to his ability to listen and understand the point of view of others, he is often able to resolve disputes in a peaceful manner. In fact, he prefers a solution without bloodshed if at all possible. He values all forms of life and views unnecessary death to be a waste. - [u]Knowledge of animals[/u]: Spending time in farms during his free time (back in his childhood), Varkasan is familiar with the behavior of many domestic animals, and can put it to use when the time calls for it. However, his knowledge of wilder species is limited. [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]Custom Paladin armor[/*] [*]Kite Shield[/*] [*]"Sentinel", his steel sword[/*] [*]Silver dagger[/*] [*]White cloak[/*] [*]A container of water[/*] [*]A small pouch attached to his belt for carrying various objects[/*] [/list] [b]Other:[/b] Dunno what else you need to know about him...