With all his weight behind the strike, Youhei was certain he had given the Shadow a solid hit; sadly, it seemed that he had overestimated his own strength. The creature grabbed him by the throat, leaving just enough time for a strangled [b]'Motherfu-!'[/b] to escape his lips before it's strong grip silenced Youhei. Fortunately Kirijo and Ares stepped in fast enough to stop the Shadow from strangling him; unfortunately, he was suspended a good few metres off the ground when they severed the arm. [b]'Shi-!'[/b] The landing probably did more damage than the Shadow's efforts... He lay there for a moment, wondering what in the world he had done to deserve this abuse. Over the course of the last hour he had been roasted, impaled, eviscerated, concussed, healed back up to normal, choked and then dropped on his head. Overall, Youhei was having a fucking [i]marvelous[/i] evening. He willed himself to his feet, swearing under his breath as he did. The two of them knew that the cavalry wasn't coming and the enemy was probably more than they could handle, but Hell... [i]If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing in style.[/i] Youhei took a heavy step forward, brought his warhammer up like a baseball bat and charged. The Shadow was sufficiently distracted by Kirijo's rodeo antics for Youhei to get under it's guard and swing his weapon up between it's legs. [i]Hard.[/i] [b]'Cunt punt, motherfucker!'[/b]