Name: Drax Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Drax][img][/img][/hider] He has light brown hair, and stands at 6 feet tall. He has burns on his face so he wears a mask/helmet. Also his eyes glow a deep red that shines through his mask/helmet. Race: Spell-born Preferred Magic: Fire Main Weapon: He has a large broadswoard which takes two hands to wield. Also Drax has a goat made lighter that he [s]was gifted[/s] stole from a goat. It is powered by oil, and a spark from a flint ignites a wick. However fire is destructive so he only uses it when needed. Personality: Drax is a very outgoing and passionate person. Sometimes he can let his emotions get the best of him. When he is feeling a certain way you will know. Drax cares for those who are close to him, and is a smooth talker. However he has prejudice towards Goats because their steam machines destroyed his birth village. He is not afraid to chug back a few beers with his companions, and will gladly fight alongside them. Other: He can ignite his sword with his magic.