Name: Brother Malfeas Baphomet Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG=] Race: Ancient Goat Main Weapon: Telekinetic Force (He's trained in the use of telekinesis in it's combat forms (known as Krevi Ulfov, or Mind Fighting). These forms and techniques allow an Ancient Goat to master various offensive and defense techniques. These forms were developed by Ancient Goat monks and perfected in olden times within the Temples to Azazel. Personality: Brother Malfeas is an Azazelian Monk and adhere's to the teachings of the ancient Goat-Demon and his disciples. This is a double edged sword however, since Azazel is benevolent toward the Ancient Goats but he is often a trickster (and sometimes downright cruel) toward others. The Scapegoat, as Azazel has been called, is a patron of intelligence, balance, and nature with aspects warrior, hunter, scholar and trickster archetypes. There is much written about the belief that every being has a wild spirit and a harmonious spirit wthin themselves and that each must be appeased and brought into balance with each other in order to truly empower the self. Azazel's teachings encourage strategy, discipline, willpower, wisdom, art, courage, and honesty. Stupity, lying, limiting one's perspective, giving in to fear, favoring extremes rather than balance, and bringing harm to the natural world are considered avenues toward Azazel's wrath. Though some doctrinal disputes do exist between various temples, the core theology, dogma and ritual essentially remain the same. Daily meditation and prayer. Burnt offerings upon his altars and incense within his temples. Blood sacrifices were once popular, but have not been practiced in centuries. Brother Malfeas is a both a scholar and a diplomat who prefers to study and catalogue these variations rather than get caught up in the arguments. The only time he becomes partial is when someone appears to be abusing the Word of Azazel for personal gain. And when that happens, he becomes very partial indeed. However when not engaged in priestly pursuits, Malfeas tends to be an adventurous sort. He follows his wild spirit where it will lead him and seeks out new experiences when they don't seem particularly likely to result in injury or worse. In all of this he is rather happy go lucky and laid back. As much as he tries to master his wild spirit, though, it just never quite works out. Especially when the beer is flowing.