[img]http://s5.favim.com/orig/54/demi-demi-lovato-sexy-Favim.com-524960.jpg[/img] [b]║Full Name║[/b] Armonía Rebekah Torres [b]║Aliases║[/b] Her X-Men given codename is “Apollo” . Though her friends call her by a variety of names, to which she answers to each one; Art, Nía, Bekah, Becky, Luminesca, Faerie, Firefly.  [b]║Relationship║[/b] She was Alfredo's high school sweetheart and had gotten to the point of nearly tattooing his name on her. She left without a word after Charles' death and does not currently know where she stands with him, as neither one said goodbye or reached out to contact each other. She does hope to rekindle their romance and possibly settle down with him though.  [b]║Birthday & Age║[/b] March 21st (24) [b]║Ethnicity║[/b] ½ Cuban ½ Greek  [b]║Gender║[/b] Female [b]║Sexual Orientation║[/b] Heterosexual  [b]║Occupation║[/b] X-Men Leader (also instructs future X-Men in advanced combat), Singer, Dancer, Art & Literature teacher. Instructs yoga and runs the drama club.  [b]║Hometown║[/b] Westchester, New York Bronx, New York City, New York [b]║Physical Description║[/b] Armonía isn't one of a physically imposing stature. She's rather regular sized, 5'7" and 128lbs. She prides herself in sporting sultry curves in all the right places. Her muscle tone is well defined and she takes quite a bit of pride in it, working religiously to ensure her heavenly physique remains as such. She has her mother's dark locks, though she tends to keep it in a tight bun or a long and thick braid rather than letting it flow down freely. A faded yet prominent and dark scar on her chest jaggedly spells out “Demon” while the rest of her figure is adorned in a number of faded scars from experiments and beatings. The only scar that she has above her neck is a horizontal scar on her right cheek. There are two columns and fifty rows of round scars that start at the base of her neck just below her hairline and extend all the way down to the base of her hips. The spinal scars are jagged and look as though needles were ripped right from her flesh. As far as tattoos, she has a bar code on the back of her neck and a short score of music wrapping from her left shoulder to just before her elbow. On the underside of her left wrist is a sword and bow making an "X" over a shield with "True Justice" underneath it. The outer part of her right leg sports a well crafted 3D tattoo that gives the realistic appearance of her leg having decorative holes carved into it. [url=http://99tattoodesigns.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/3D-leg-tattoo.jpg]Like so.[/url] She also has tattoos on her [url=http://onlytattooideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Half-Sleeve-Tattoos-for-Women.jpg]Left arm,[/url] [url=http://onlytattooideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/best-girl-sleeve-tattoos.jpg]right arm,[/url] & [url=http://onlytattooideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/mehndi-21.jpg]left foot.[/url] She also has several piercings.  [b]║Likes║[/b] ✔ Music ✔ Art ✔ Combat ✔ Vlogging ✔ Writing new songs ✔ Reading ✔ Candy ✔ Organic food ✔ Eating pure sugar ✔ Subs ✔ Seafood ✔ Steak ✔ Flying ✔ Her truck ✔ Her pets ✔ Tolerance ✔ Tattoos ✔ Body art in general ✔ Animals ✔ Her students ✔ Alfredo ✔ Daisy ✔ Writing poetry ✔ Her fans ✔  [b]║Dislikes║[/b] ✘ Self-important people ✘ Bologna ✘ The smell of Pinesol ✘ Black licorice ✘ Watching horror films alone ✘ Watching war films alone ✘ Being without her stuffed panda ✘ Disorder ✘ Nihilism ✘ Bigotry ✘ Dogmatism ✘ Beef stew ✘ Most stew in general ✘ Feeling useless ✘  [b]║Personality║[/b] →Multifaceted← There are two sides of Armonía, though this is due to her forcibly repressed memories. The surface Armonía is the Armonía from the better part of her childhood. It's who she would have grown into being had everything that happened to her as a child hadn't happened. She's very amiable and finds it easy to approach others, though with the belief that she is a mutant, she is wary around most humans. She's your typical sweetheart, often throwing people off because her type of sweet is a rare thing these days. She would offer a total stranger her jacket if they were cold or perhaps a slice of pie if they seemed sad. Despite being so forward and friendly, she still manages to give off a bashful vibe towards those who don't know her well enough. Once a person has earned the right to be called her friend, they aren't just a witness to her outgoing and whimsical mannerisms, but they become involved and she's more open. She's the type of girl who prefers spending time with her friends over solitude unless she needs some time to think. She's almost always with someone though, even if she's just reading a book or writing a new song. She's never still for too long, having to do something that keeps her moving. Because of this, she often prefers to be outside entertaining. Whether she's in the middle of the mall, a 7/11, or the street, she has no problem bursting into song, dancing, performing acrobatic stunts, acting out a scene from Hamlet, or breaking out an instrument. She's not really an attention-whore, as some would misunderstand. She just likes to see a smile on people's faces while being able to express herself and her talents. She's very proud of her talents, though not overbearingly so to the point where she has to point it out in every conversation or display them to anyone who hasn't seen yet. In actuality, when it comes to performing in front of others, she tends to only do it to cheer them up or busk. She's never actually uploaded any videos of herself performing from home – All videos of her performing are from her busking. She'll only perform socially at the request of others and prefers that she's not the center of attention outside of busking. Self-expression is a phrase that she's highly familiar with. Art is her life and her passion, easily told by the tattoos and piercings adoring her body. One of her pet peeves is being judged (herself and others) for tattoos and piercings. She literally has a rebuttle for anything and everything that a person might try to argue about in a conversation against body art, as she's been approached more than once (like so many others) by people (mostly old people) with reserves against body art. She's very proud of the ink that she's put on her body and finds herself often doodling more onto them every now and again when the inspiration hits her. She frequents tattoo shops to observe the work of others (maybe now and again to do some work of her own for some cash) and isn't against sitting in an art museum for hours to stare at a painting or sculpture to wonder what the artist was feeling. She wishes that every artist had her ability to make others feel as they do when they perform or paint, thinking that more people would truly appreciate art if they could. That's her good side. Let's talk about her inner warrior. From the ages of six to fifteen, she was...Well. She was something. She was prone to violent mood swings, depressed one minute and ferociously angry the next. She spent her days switching between two very exclusive ranges of feelings: Hatred, anger, vindictive, righteous, and sanguinary were the worst. She was more bearable when she was feeling lonely, sad, hurt, suicidal, and dead inside. Either way, someone ended up dead before the night was over each and every day. After escaping her captors, when she wasn't feeling dead inside and moping in bed, she was out satisfying her need to vindicate the innocent lives she had been forced to take and the lives of others that she had not taken but had witnessed being taken. Her level of intensity during such a mood swing was always at a fifty out of a scale of ten, “going hard”, as the kids say. She was absolutely brutal, cruel, and uncaring. She could skin a man alive and pour acid on him without feeling a shred of remorse for what she had done. But she wasn't messy. She was an apex predator. She was the crocodile in murky waters and her prey was the unsuspecting deer trying to cross. She was smart – She had been trained to leave no traces of her presence and she did so very well in that. She would often compare herself to Dexter - a favorite show of hers and a bit of inspiration. She had been hardened by her past and no fucks were given as she watched the light diminish from the eyes of her victims. But she felt in her head that she was doing the right thing. Her heart had no say in it – They weren't on speaking terms during that time. But despite her cruel treatment of perceived criminals, she never hurt an innocent person if she could help herself (when she wasn't hopped up on mind control) and would go out of her way to make sure that an innocent would remain out of harm's way even if it meant that she would get hurt. She didn't like talking to people and she didn't make eye contact except to either glare or give a lifeless gaze. She had no passion for art or life, only her view of justice. But she's changed now, though Natasha hopes to bring out her inner beast and control it. [b]║Powers, Skills, & Talents║[/b] [+]Powers – Attributing to her mutation, the genes within her has taken the form of light and she has studied Photology extensively to harness her powers. She has the ability to generate, bend, shift, focus, scatter, and generally control light to various degrees and effects. From weapons to steps to shields, Armonía can solidify the light photons and manipulate their shape and density to aid her. She uses this for flight often, creating a “surfboard” under her feet and using her control over light to move herself. By energizing the light photons and directing them, she can create an offensive and powerful blast and even create lasers to sear her targets. Armonía sees the world around her in extreme HD and literally doesn't miss anything around her. It's pretty useful for noticing nervous twitches in suspects as well as spotting things from far away. Though, she's not Superman; She can't see clear across a city. She can individually pick someone out in a crowd from half a mile away. Armonía can bring about an area of darkness through repelling or simply absorbing the light photons around her or her target. Through scattering and stretching and bending light photons, she can cast about an area of absolute light, allowing for no shadow and even no visibility, possibly blinding people temporarily or permanently. She can also create illusions. Rather than creating illusions in someone's mind like a telepath, she can make something that is solid and real. Sort of. Whether its a walking, talking person or a large building. Of course, she needs empty space to create the illusion; She can't make a wall lead into a room that isn't there. The difference between her holographs and visual illusions is that the holographs are impalpable and the illusions are solid. Armonía's ability to generate light comes from the light inside of her. Literally. Photons of light are integrated to her every molecule. Even her boogers glow. Lovely imagery right there. Anyways. When not too worn out, Armonía can manage to become light. Her body fades away and her clothes drop and she becomes light. She can still hear and see and smell (she has yet to figure out how that works out) but she is intangible – For as long as she needs to be. In addition to her ability over light, she is well noted for her “Art Intuition”. Her combination of mastery over light and art is what earned her the codename Apollo. While one might not think that being able to master various art forms without trying is hardly much of a power or even out of the ordinary, the fact that she can sway people's emotions and thoughts and actions  through her work is quite a power. Hardly an aggressive power, but it has its uses. It's rather entertaining as well. She can also generate various sounds from thin air, often blending them into unique music. She cannot manipulate existing sound unless she created it. She can mimic any movement and sound that she's heard/seen just once, providing very well for learning new dances, fighting, and mimicking people. [+]Education – She's done extensive studying of Photology and is an RN. Her list of languages include English, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Dutch, Icelandic, Greek, and Latin. [+]Combat – She's a 5th degree black belt in Muay Thai and a formidable boxer, a former Bantamweight Youth World Amateur Champion and former Underground MMA champion. [+]Domestic – Her domestic skills include cooking, familiar with many recipes through surfing the web. She is also (obviously) highly artistic and is a frequent traceuse. [b]║Weaknesses, Disabilities, & General Flaws║[/b] [-]Oddities – She cannot sleep. She might get tired, but she cannot sleep for any longer than three or four hours a day. It's on the last seven days of every month when she just shuts down, her body entering a state of self-preservation as she recharges completely. It's these seven days when she's at her weakest. She can stave off that sleep for a few days if she must, but she'll sleep for every day that she missed. [-]Mental – She is mildly schizophrenic with a dash of PTSD, a sprinkle of paranoia, and a hearty helping of dysphoric mania. [-]Emotional – She doesn't do so well with trusting humans, much less giving a damn for most of them. [-]Medical – Well, she doesn't have a blood type. Her blood is 57% light photons. She is also allergic to asparagus, peanuts, paprika, codfish, poppies, bush daises, carnations, copper, and papayas. [-]Addictions – Marijuana, nicotine, sugar, body art, and alcohol. [b]║Equipment║[/b] ※Weapons – She doesn't use man made weapons. Her choice of weapon is a small sphere of light that she can morph into what she wants. She also has a number of instruments, but she mostly uses her violin. ※Vehicles – She has two vehicles – Her civilian vehicle is a 2008 GM Sierra while her other is a “surfboard” made of light. ※Sentimental Items – A locket mirroring her brother and father's containing a picture of herself, her brother, her father, and her mother. ※Gadgets – Nada ※IDs – Driver's Licenses for New York, Louisiana, Washington, Nevada, California, Florida, and Arizona under the names Jamie Willer, Nadine Salem, Luna Forester, Arlene Berry, Rebecca Stack, Jessica Rider, and Amelia Lee. She doesn't have any IDs with her actual name on it except her ID for Xavier's. [b]║History║[/b] Edgar was a Cuban butcher with a kind heart and a certain bit of naïve to him. One day he found a woman hiding in his shop and found out that she was a former prostitute, sold out of Greece by force and recently escaped. He took her in but soon fell in love and married her. Out of this relationship came two children: Armonía and Adonis. Now, these two children absolutely adored their parents, though they were more inclined to their mother. But their happiness wouldn't last for too long, as they were soon thrust into a world of darkness and abuse. See, Hera had grown weary of her husband as he soon began "finding Jesus". It countered her own religious beliefs and he began to look at their children in a way that made her uncomfortable. Not to mention that her life had grown stale and her husband lazy. And so she told her children that they were leaving - She was going to take them far away to a place she had heard of for mutants like them. She hadn't had the chance before Edgar killed his wife and abandoned his children. After shooting Hera in the head in front of the children, he beat them until they were a bloody mess and drove them out into the middle of the woods where he left them. Why would he do that? Because, he had let his head get filled with ideas from his coworkers and media that mutants did exist and they were abominations. He was a Christian man now and his thoughts were easily swayed into believing that the children he once thought were angels blessed by God were demons in disguise. So...where did that leave Armonía and Ásbjorn? Well, they had managed to wash upon shore where they were found by some fishermen. They were surprised to find a young girl who was glowing and a young boy whose body seemed coated in shadow as though standing under shade, clinging to a log for dear life. Thoroughly frightened, they called the authorities and were paid off by the government to keep silent about it. The two soon found themselves under the “care” of William Stryker and his team of odd and twisted scientists. With twelve mutants they were in captivity and slavery from the ages of six to thirteen. For seven years they suffered daily emotional, mental, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Or at least Armonía did. Ásbjorn was nine when he died after having his heart removed in a battle to the death. It was part of an experiment to see which was stronger – The mutant with super strength or the child whose species they had yet to identify. Ásbjorn was easily stronger, but he wasn't a fighter. He never had been. In their years of captivity, Armonía had been the strong one. She was the one that defended who she could, taking extra beatings so that he might be spared and have a few minutes to recover. The most horrific part of her capture was the Quintipede. It was a crude form of technology that was used to manipulate a person's nerves to control their movement. It was a failure and discarded after a mind control serum that worked through injection had been created. It was with this serum that they were able to mostly control those that they held captive. Their subjects became less resistant and were more malleable for training. They were transformed into drones, trained to handle various forms of combat and often sent out to capture or kill mutants. Armonía was further turned into a killing machine when the genetic tests began. . They didn't expect some of them to start developing an immunity to the serum, therefore unsuspecting of the attack that came shortly after. They destroyed the base where they were being contained, killing everyone that they came into contact with. William Stryker was lucky enough to not be there when the attack happened, though he was furious when he returned. Where did these kids go? 1407 Greymalkin Lane. They were found and rescued after walking down the road by Professor Xavier and his friend, Eric Lensherr. It was there that Armonía went through a couple of years of deep depression and anger, her strange sleeping habit forming. For two years, she simply lost her passion for life and seemed to just go through motions of living. She also had a sort of... “Batman Phase” going on. She would venture out into the city and brutally murder criminals that she came across. The NYPD was on a manhunt for a serial killer with no face or no name. Fearing that the government would get its hands on Armonía once more, after finding out what she was doing, Charles went through intense therapy with her and eventually got her permission to repress those memories of her life. When he was finished with her, as far as the fifteen year old knew, she was an orphan. Her mother, father, and brother had died in a terrible house fire - this also prompted a fear of uncontrolled fires. With the darker memories of her life gone, so was the attitude. She became all that she could be and was virtually a ray of sunshine. She had no memory of her combat training or anything. She had no urge to kill anybody anymore either and actually became a bit more withdrawn when faced with conflict. She was eighteen when she moved out of Xavier's and got her own apartment in the Bronx, continuing to work at a small diner that she had been working at when she planned to move out – Busking wasn't going to pay her new bills. She also worked on weekends, paid by Charles to substitute for art classes. She later took a job as an RN as well. But after the death of Charles the blocks in her mind slowly faded. She left the world to sort herself out, taking time to center herself in the middle of nowhere. She was found and called in by an old friend, Kitty. The new Head Mistress asked her to return as a teacher and to lead the new X-Men. It didn't take much to convince her and she soon packed her bags and returned home. [b]║Extra║[/b] ♢ She has a Tibetan Mastiff named Yum Yum, a Corgi named Talisman, a Norwegian Long Hair named Fonz, and a Sugar Glider named Bastille ♢ ♢ She is still trying to deal with her past self ♢ ♢ She does her own tattoos ♢ ♢ She instructs morning, afternoon, and night yoga classes ♢ [Hider=Relations] Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat – Art has all the respect in the world for Kitty, having known her since the day she first arrived at Xavier's. The two are hardly best friends but they do consider each other close friends of sorts.   Daisy Vaughn/Flicker – Daisy is her best friend, one of the few people her age who didn't harass her during her two-year Batman phase. She's also only one of three people at Xavier's now that knows about that. Nía would do anything for Daisy, having shown this on more than one occasion. She's not afraid to break some bones for Daisy's sake. And yes, she'd take a bullet for this woman. Armonía also likes sparring with her. Trying to catch her helps her improve her agility and awareness.   Marlowe Faraday/Ivory – In the short time that they've known each other they've become very close and Nía knows that she should probably apologize to him as well for pushing him away after Charles' death. She appreciates that he's always been there for her since they've met. They just seemed to click. He's always good for a night of fun and she very much enjoys getting him drunk. It doesn't hurt that he appreciates her artwork, especially her tattoos and she plans on giving him a few soon even if she has to bolt him down or knock him out for it.   Freddie DiAngelo/Pressure – Like Daisy, she's known him since her years as a student and when he arrived she didn't really like him. But she didn't like anyone. He was persistent though, and that paid off after she had her memories altered. It didn't take long for them to start going steady. She deeply loves him and has broken bones on more than one occasion in his defense. The two officially met, as in having their first conversation where she didn't ignore him, when he stormed into the school after a fight and followed the sound of her singing in the auditorium, her abilities immediately calming him. The two are a match made in heaven and she's desperately trying to get her relationship back on track with him.   Student Body: - Luna Marionette (No Codename as of Yet) - Duncan Spencer/Guardian - River Hunnigan/Sniper - Naka Vejay/Element - Alicia Taylor/Shifter - Oona Fredrick/Selkie - Alucard De Vinci/Reaper Harley Coeman/Progenitor - Harley is one of her favorite, if not her ultimate favorite, student. While it is impossible for anyone to not enjoy her classes due to the fact that she gives a little extra "oomph" while she teaches, she knows that he isn't exactly an art geek. Which is fine. But she enjoys having him around because he's such a sweet kid. She does her best not to give anyone any special attention but she enjoys his enthusiasm when she over talks when she gets swept away with talking about creativity. - Daniel Green/Chlorophyll - Teaching Assistant - Jade Green/Bastet - Aurora Claudwell/Jinx - Adrien Timoshenko/Rasputin - Elena Elwyn (No Codename as of Yet) - Morena Silicus/ Mage - Flavie Lefèvre (No Codename as of Yet)[/Hider]