[hider=Alicia Eternus] [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/228/6/f/Battlefield_by_PeterPrime.png[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Alicia Eternus [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Alignment[/b]: Paladin [b]Covenant/Affiliation[/b]: Scholar's Covenant --- [b]Personality[/b]: A naive, pampered idealist, Alicia has ;little grasp on the real, harsh world. Though kind hearted, honest and rather intelligent, she had little experience with deceit, hostility and danger, and as such, is prone to react far more violently to them than anyone else. Always trying to be the one smiling cheerfully, but also the one to do her duty as Paladin, and as an Eternus. Her social and inexperience and pampered upbringing makes her quite vulnerable to manipulation. While she has no hatred for mages, she will cut down those who use their power to harm and exploit others without mercy - a most severe change from an otherwise smiling, stupid looking girl. [b]Biography[/b]: Since birth, Alicia was taught and trained in a skill set that would allow her to join the paladins, and excel. Her father, though maintaining a guise of a loyal noble, did not forget what was taken away from him, and was plotting every single waking moment of his life. And Alicia were to follow his ideals, and be his eyes and ears from within. However, Deliah was still a loving father, and gave her everything he could, while trying not to spoil her... too much. Alicia's childhood consisted of luxury, lessons and training that very few children ever receive. By the age of 13, she could almost go toe to toe with her combat instructors, if not for her natural strength disadvantage. Educated in etiquette, management, leadership and battlefield tactics, and imprinted with her father's ideals, Alicia was ready to join the Paladin training. Due to Deliah's connections, he knew very well of what the Paladin training is like, and the girl was prepared accordingly to deal with the strict discipline and indoctrination that will occur, without arousing suspicion. Her days as an initiate were a mixed bag. She was raised to be a Paladin, and was completely prepared for anything thrown at her. Except socialization. Viewed as a "pampered daddy's girl who just wants to prove something" by some, a "Deliah's political move" by others, Alicia made very few friends. She did, however, prove that she is extremely capable combatant, probably the best one in her class. But even then, she had her personal maids in the barracks, doing all the chores and everything else for her, which raised more than a few eyebrows. Though anyone living in the same barracks did not mind that fact, at all. But in the end, Deliah's plan succeeded. Alicia became a paladin, passing everything with flying colors, and opportunities for her to join the Inquisitors arisen - just like he planned, while the girl still remained loyal to his cause. Becoming one of the first members of Deliah's freshly created Covenant of Scholars, Alicia was granted official citizenship, and widespread recognition amongst the upper classes. However, she had very few friends amongst other paladins, though her peers started to accept her for what she is, which has made her life much less stressful. And thus, Alicia was ready for the things to come. --- [b]Power Description[/b]: Alicia utilizes summoned swords of light as projectiles, barriers and cages, while advancing to melee range. Able to counter a magical projectile with a well aimed [b]Sword of Light[/b], her style revolves around putting constant pressure on her opponent, not giving them an opportunity to attack. However, even without The Light, Alicia is an expert combatant with her custom-made dual longswords, a combat style very few use. [b]Spells/Abilities[/b]: [list] [*][b]Sword of Light[/b] - Creates a shimmering Sword of Light above one of her shoulders, which can be fired with just a thought. Mainly used for long range "poke", shooting down magical projectiles and hoarding an opponent into another spell by forcing them to constantly dodge in a specific direction. Up to 4 can be held at the same time. Also very effective if it hits flesh directly.[/*] [*][b]Blade Barrier[/b] - Creates a swirling wall of Swords of Light around her, blocking heavier magic attacks. The Blade Barrier also heavily discourages melee attackers, though it can be broken, doing it from melee range is extremely dangerous.[/*] [*][b]Judgement[/b] - Surrounds an enemy with multiple Swords of Light, which orbit the target, and collapse upon it on command. As all the swords strike at the same time, this is a very hard skill to dodge or mitigate. It is however, exhausting, for Alicia to use it more than once.[/*] [/list] [b]Other skills[/b]: [list] [*][b]Mel'Shi Style[/b] - An exotic, obscure combat style which uses dual-wielding longswords. The swords themselves are weighted and crafted differently, specifically for this combat style. To an observer, this combat style looks more like a deadly dance, with fluid and agile movements, precise parries and ripostes and swift and unrelenting attacks, seemingly effortlessly flowing from one to another. Rumors say that this combat style was originally created by elves.[/*] [*][b]Privileged Upbringing[/b] - While not exactly a skill, her status allows her to do far more than most other Paladins. Also, Alicia doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in high society gatherings, and knows how to mingle with the nobility.[/*] [*][b]Strategist[/b] - Not much of one yet, nevertheless she was tutored by the best. So far only having the theoretical knowledge in her head, Alicia nevertheless is able to recognize and execute various strategic and tactical movements herself. And she is yet to gain any actual battlefield experience.[/*] [/list] [b]Other[/b]: [list] [*][b]Pampered[/b] - Alicia never had to clean, cook or do any other menial chore by herself. And by now, she is utterly incapable of taking care of herself, including her own looks. Her clothes, skin and hair were carefully maintained by her personal maids, who can only follow her around so far. This is the main reason she was mocked by the majority of her peers.[/*] [*][b]Social Ineptitude[/b] - The highborn etiquette, while useful while mingling with them, looks silly and sometimes even insulting when socialising with anyone else. And Alicia is having a hard time adapting to a more... simple means of communication.[/*] [/list] [/hider] So, now that's a question for you guys - what do you think about my character.