As all the members of the Azure Dragon practically shoved their way outside and towards the Serpents Dagger Guild Hall, Akira couldn't help but be impressed by their attitude as a whole. He certainly didn't imagine the entire guild, a new one for that matter, to go up in arms and make their way right to the front door of the enemy. He more than wanted to join them. He still was yet to be considered an actual member, but if he proved his worth today it would most likely be overlooked. It's difficult to tell whether Akira had been with them the entire way to the opposing Guild Hall, but he was most definitely there as Beatrix made gave her orders before her and another combined their magic, creating a very convenient tunnel leading straight to the front door. Akira unsheathed his katana, and was ready to show how capable he was, he charged forward with the others into the Guild Hall. --- Measha couldn't help but think back to this very morning, when he awoke under a clear blue sky, and felt the soft lush, green grass beneath him. He recalled how peaceful everything had been these past few days, and how eager he was to finally arrive to Azure Dragon. To fight alongside others and help those in need. To grow stronger each and everyday and use this strength to benefit others. To punish those that threaten the peaceful lifestyle he believes in. Measha has never experienced the likes of a Guild before, he expected to walk into the Guild Hall and walk right back out, his mind focused on a job and a friend by his side, but as he stood beside his fellow Guildmates with the Serpents Dagger Guild Hall towering in front of them, and watched as Beatrix Fairglaive, his Guildmaster, gave her instructions to the group, he realized that he did indeed have a job now, to defend his new home, and he has plenty of friends by his side. Hell, even that ego riddled swordsman was his friend now, whether he liked it or not. Azure Dragon was Measha's home now, and he'll defend it with all of his strength. He has to, his meaning and purpose lies within the Azure Dragon. He will refuse to let it be taken from him his very first day! But, it also wouldn't hurt to show the others what he could do. [b]"Well? Move it?"[/b] Just as before, Measha immediately dashed into the tunnel, and ran beside his guildmates towards the front door. The whole situation had caused him to forget how energetic and prepared he was earlier, especially for a fight, but he remembered that feeling now. Fire three times the size of Measha's hands surrounded his fists and feet, the ground beneath him lit up after each step he took, he was ready to defend his home, his friends, his Guildmaster, all while getting some payback. As the ego riddled muscle man kicked down the door and the dust and wood flying everywhere settled, Measha realized they were somewhat outnumbered. The Serpents Dagger members weren't so happy to see the stranger break down the door as they shouted his name with fear. [b]"So, his names Hector.."[/b] Measha thought to himself, recalling the reactions he had received when he first entered Azure Dragon. Immediately Hector slashed his sword, clearing a path, and charged right into the thick of the crowd, a good number of the guild members began focusing on Frozen Fang and Measha didn't hesitate to take advantage of the situation. As the enemy reacted to Hectors entrance, Measha immediately began to spin in place as fire surrounded his immediate area. Unlike before, he actually had a moment to increase his speed, thus making the surrounding flames larger and larger by the second. He recalled what his teacher had told him years ago when he was first learning this technique. The power and potential of this move lie soley in his form and execution, the bigger the flames, the more concentration required. Fire that rose at least 10 ft tall now spun fiercely around Measha, he decreased his speed and now guided these massive flames around him with grace. the Serpents Dagger Wizards assessed the situation and now made their way towards the entrance. Hector appeared to have damaged and harnessed the attention of the middle, so Measha decided he would attack the right. As a horde of wizards approached the group from the right, Measha guided the vicious flames and launched a ferocious fireball half the size of a small building right at the center of the crowd. [b][i]"Whirlwind!"[/i][/b] The fireball violently exploded, taking out a significant chunk of Wizards and knocking a small few on their back, but they got right back up. Fire once again surrounded Measha's fists and feet, he didn't skip a beat and charged forward. As an enemy Wizard begin casting a spell, he hadn't anticipated Measha to attack him directly. He drove his fist right into the man's stomach, the attack followed by a burst of fire. Measha began striking his opponent with various kicks and punches, every single hit automatically accompanied with a small explosion of fire, magic and martial arts coming together to form the deadly fighting style known as the Flaming Fist. Measha finished off his opponent within a matter of seconds, his final attack a spinning kick to the head. The Wizard fell to the floor, unconscious. Measha moved onto the next one, his heart burned hotter than the sun, he was far from finished.