Floating in the air, he slowly descended enough to get through the door where the Ice-man went through, as that seemed to be the front entrance. Seeing that he and a fire wizard were attacking the main amount of them, Kael floated once more into the air. Taking this chance, he searched for suitable targets. He found a group of wizards preparing some kind of spell together. He clapped his hands together to blow them apart with a powerful tornado. He turned away from them to find another hallway, devoid of any occupants. He hovered down that way, looking for anybody else or something of interest. He saw several doors, but he did not open them before letting the wind tell him what was inside. It would seem something was inside of them, but he was not able to tell. After a while, he heard nobody inside of one of the rooms. Opening it, he saw shelves of books! He had found their library! He began to search through their books for runes or anything that would pertain to magic. However, there would not be a chance to look through them all. He began to gather all the books into the wind and Kael caused them to float in the sky. He would have to wait to get them out. Wanting to protect the contents of "his" books, he decided to wait in there for anyone to enter.