[b]Name:[/b] Berengar du Loewe [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Appearance:[/b] Berengar du Loewes features are sharp, his cheek-bones jutting out from his face that gives him an almost lupine appearance. His lips are moderatley thin, a large gash forming diagonally along the left side of his lip, leaving an ugly, garish mark across his skin. Hooded eyes that house dark green eyes that appear to be brown at a distance give Berengar an almost disgruntled, annoyed appearance. Thick, dark long brown hair that resides upon his head is often worn in a high-half ponytail, or simply left flowing, unburdened by any bands or ribbons to keep it in check. He keeps a neatly trimmed beard on his chin at all times, although if a situation is too taxing of him, he will often simply let it grow out, and braid it. His body is muscular, and can be seen as almost cat-like, his abdomen and chest well toned, he is certainly not the most muscular he could be, but he is lighter on his feet because of it. His northman heritage has left him with a considerable amount of body hair, the muscles that adorn his body mostly being obscured by dark bundles of his chest/abdominal hair. Patches of hair are missing, due to the skin having been raised as scar tissue, a trio of scars running diagonally along his chest the most prominent of these scars. Upon his arrival to Ractem, he can be seen wearing a dark turqoise gambeson, it adorned with even darker, navy stripes. Underneath his gambeson a loose linen shirt clings to his chest, the neck of the shirt open slightly to allow circulation when Berengar is in combat. Wearing semi-loose fitting padded trousers that are obscured by the knee-high leather boots that adorn Berengars legs. On his arms he wears leather-gauntlets, although their protective capabilities are limited, they are more worn for simple aesthetics rather than the protection they offer. A leather belt that hugs his torso and wraps around his shoulder diagonally is always seen on his person. He wears a belt made of leather, which has various pouches hanging from it. [img]http://puu.sh/8KKGo.jpg[/img] [b]Afinnity:[/b] Elemental Magic [b]Spells:[/b] - Sundering blizzard; Berengars go-to spell when facing enemies that have a defense stronger than his offense, the spell itself sends Berengar jetting forth, leaving a trail of jagged ice behind him, a powerful cold wind infront of him, enough to knock over a knight in full armor, or topple over a horse-bound knight, or - most usefully, break a defensive formation of soldiers. It cannot cause physical harm, beyond toppling them to the ground - Winter's kiss; Berengar imbues his blade ice-magic, the blade almost seeming to become writhed in frost as the spell is in effect. Where the blade meets flesh, the wound will not close until the wound has been treated with healing magics or placed under a great amount of heat. Useful when facing unarmored opponents, it has limited capabilities when facing armored opponents, however. - Ice spike; Berengar sends forth a shard of ice shaped like a spear, it gaining momentum and speed as if it was an arrow loosed from a bow, it looses velocity and momentum in the same manner as an arrow. - Frost Rune; A simple mobility hindering spell, Berengar channels his magic onto any flat surface, an intrigate white rune appearing on the surface before disappearing. It takes five seconds to activate. Those who walk over the rune have their legs, arms ect stuck to that location by the cold embrace of ice wrapping around their limbs. - Whirlwind; A spell that enhances Berengars physical capacity for pain, his endurance and his senses, at the cost of his sense of being, he falls into an almost fever-dream like state, his skin becoming pale and cold, his veins becoming coarse and black, his eyes going into an icy white colouration. During this time he is unaware of friend or foe, and is often why he choses to not use it unless he is fighting with his back to the wall. After using this spell he becomes extremely weak, and often will contract a bad fever. [b]Personality:[/b] A man of his own volition and ideology, his profession as a sellsword and a mercenary often seem him coming at ends with his employer, seeing as how the warrior seldom wishes to bother himself with the skirmishes of something that does not concern him, as such, Berengar is a true drifter, a man who cannot see the forest for the trees. Stubborn to his core, his black and white sense of morality often makes his decision making often lop-sided, but if the need should arise that the black option would serve him better, his morale compass will often bend to suit his own needs or the an ideology he may (end up regretting) agreeing with. Despite his cold exterior Berengar is seen as a man who has many emotions, he simply does not know what to do with them. Considered somewhat socially aloof and awkward, many deduct that Berengar has simply set himself upon a pedestal so high he has become lonely in his reclusive existance. Despite this, it is not impossible for Berengar to be caring, infact he cares greatly for those close to him, it is simply a matter of getting close to those around him which poses a problem for the warrior. Although Berengar may appear to have a wholesome demeanor, his heritage as a northman shines through when it comes to both drinking and eating, both of which often ending up with him having a hangover or a bad stomach the day after. Also has an extremely bad temper. [b]Background:[/b] "You're doomed to forever wander, aren't you?" Berengar was found in a lush forest, nearing the end of the winter-fall by a pack of northmen hunters, his infant form being clasped by the dead corpse of what was assumed to be his mother. Many in the raiding party consolodated that the boy should be killed, in fear that he was cursed. Many of the party agreed to end the infants existanse before it could begin, but the chieftan at the time stayed the hand of one of the men, vying to adopt the child more as a sign of good fortune rather than a curse. Growing within the confines of the village, Berengar was often called "The Bastard of the Forest" due to his fathers unknown origins. Berengar was an alienated boy, preferring his own company and the company of beasts rather than that of the fellow villagers, and although this greatly strengthened his sense of self resolve, it left the boy crippled socially in many ways. Growing up, Berengar idolized his father, whom he seldom saw due to his raider lifestyle, and instead was left in the care of an overbearing, although kindhearted adoptive aunt. At the age of thirteen, Berengar, with the rest of the villages youth, were sent off to join the men in the summer raids to the south, Berengar distinguishing himself for his oddly ferocious demeanor in combat, sending mixed feelings of pride and fear amongst his father and his men. Berengar's ferocious rampages were left unburdened and unchecked by his adoptive father, who seen nothing but pride for a son that appeared to act more as a beast than as a man. Berengar's life would reach its peak when he slew his adoptive aunt in a fit of rage, his adoptive-father finding Berengar cradling the corpse of the woman in his hands. It dawning on the chieftan at what he had let the boy become, vyed to attempt to kill his son, Berengar responding by sticking his blade through his adoptive fathers heart in a fit of rage. Those in the village attempted to chase him out, but not before suffering great losses at his hands, his magical abilities coming to fruition to deadly effect. Eventually being forced out, Berengar wandered into the wilderness, where he slowly found the means to channel his anger into something more productive than simple slaughter; his magic. Spending most of his life wandering between the war-torn wasted and wind-swept wastes of warring kingdoms, Berengar became famed as a man gone mad, a whirlwind of death and rage, before finding himself as the guard of a king, their mendacity causing Berengar to become reviled and forced to flee to Ractem. [b]Skills, Non-Magical:[/b] -Martial Prowess: Berengar has lived with a weapon in his hand throughout his life, and as such, has become well versed in using most weapons at his disposal to great effect -Master Swordsman: Berengars weapon of choice, his skill at arms with a blade is formidable, the warrior having spent most of his life with one in his hand. Said to be able to deflect a crossbow bolt with a flick of the wrist, the deed itself remains well-known, whilst the person behind it has faded away into obscurity. -Unarmed Combatant; Berengar is more than capable of using grapples, shoves and punches during his flury of sword swings to increase his lethality in combat. -Marksman; A requirement for every boy of age within his village was to practice with a longbow every day after the holy masse, this has made Berengar a competent marksman in his own right. -Athletic; Berengar has trained many years to be as physically dexterious as possible, and as such, can use his athletic skills with his weapons in conjunction to great effect. -Wildman; Living within the confines of the wilderness for years, Berengar has become a skilled forager and hunter [b]Description of Magic:[/b] Berengar's use of magic is practical, crude and straingly effective, it having been designed for his craft; war.