[i]Jade was sitting in her room painting on her new canvas. She had been painting for what seemed like hours. She was almost finished. The background was of a moon laced in blue and purple shadowed clouds, skies dapped with little lightened stars. A strong cherry tree atop a hill, the wind blowing the small blossoms into the sky, it was magical. Jade set down her palette. She looked into the painting. It was beautiful but it also gave her sorrow. Jades sorrow became anger, she reached up and grabbed the canvas, and her hand became darkened fingernails turning to claws. She ripped down the painting, color dripping onto her skin. The little flame felines jumped out from her body setting fire to everything they touched. She started to panic rushing to grab the fire extinguisher that was placed in the kitchen; the little kittens went alongside her pouncing happily. By the time she reached the extinguisher it was too late the felines had set fire to her house. She rushed out lifting her phone from her pocket. Her hand had returned to normal and the felines had gone. After the police, ambulance, and firefighters had gone. Jade broke down telling her mother everything. She was frightened of her power and she needed help. [/i] Jade took a seat in the back of the auditorium somehow it felt the safest. She was slightly fidgety, when she asked her mother for help she did not think she would be shipped to a school that was over flowing with ‘special’ people. She had little control over her own mutation and that scared her. How was one supposed to keep it together knowing that someone around her had a mutation that could easily eliminate everyone sitting in the auditorium? She kept her eyes down trying to focus on her shoes. It took her a minute to look up once hearing the place go silent and the sound of heels clicking. Jade started to bite the inside of cheeks while listening to the headmistress.