A calm breeze blow through an abandoned town, scorch wounds marking the nearby building. Several months ago, this was a busy little town out in a rural farmland. Townsfolk would go about their day farming, smithing, whatever it is small townsfolk do. But a wave of fury and anger struck this town, killing everything within. Since that day, The Unholy Hand have been using this abandoned town as a base of sorts. All roads leading to this town have disappeared, leaving only the few, unlucky folks that stumble on this town for The Hand to deal with. The largest building in the town, the dining hall, sat at the edge, raised slightly by the nearby hill. Tiberious had made his way through town and now stood before the hall. The large, wooden double doors were ajar and a soft light came from within. "Tiber, come in, we have much to discus," a harsh, raspy voice shoot out of the hall. Six black hooded figures stood around a large dining table near the back end of the room. The only light came from a few dim candles, half melted to the table. One stood out from the others, with jewels and gems detailing his midnight black robe. The candle light gave him an odd sparkle, obviously drawing attention to himself. "Ah, good... Now, you all now we I have gathered you here. That voice we all heard a little bit ago," The jeweled man spoke, his age showing through his voice. The other hooded figures muttered for a few moments before silencing again. "Now, we do not know if there is truth to these words, but a powerful being would be needed to send this many messages. And we have to assume we were not the only ones who got this message..." the jeweled man began a manic cough, placing his hands on the table to stabilize himself. "It is getting worse.." one whispered to Tiberious. ".... I am...fine..." Gathering himself, the jeweled man stood back up, clasping his hands together. "I will get to the point. We need to continue are plans for exploring The Beyond, but I want to find out what this voice wants. Back your stuff Tiberious and move out." [i]That old man needs to die already.[/i] Tiberious thought to himself as he finished packing his alchemy kit into a small traveling bag. The only reason he is even apart of the inner circle was because of his master. [i]But, this voice intrigues me, and if I can just get a little bit stronger, I can kill that hag myself... Besides, Master would have gone to the voice any way,[/i] his inner self said as he glanced at his Master's old gear. A dingy old book sat on a small table with a black handled sword next to it. For a quick second, Tiberious felt something he had not felt in a long time. Sadness. There was no time to mourn his Master's death, there has never been time. Several years ago his Master got caught in a summoning involving The Beyond. It sapped him of his magical energy and most of his life force. He died the next day, but not before giving his belongings and spot in the inner circle to Tiberious. [i]No, he would not have me mourn, for there is adventure and a chance to gain more power.[/i] Fitting the book in his bag, Tiberious double checked his gear. [i]That voice called, and I must find out what it wants.[/i]