Mizuki's unusual crimson colored eyes moved around the city. She had been sent to this specific area for unknown reasons to her. Zhou, the man she was with currently would have known this. She'd met him some time ago in the North. A chilled air whipped around them, though she didn't feel it. Having been raised in artic tempatures tended to harden someone to the weather. [i]"Well we made it finally. What was your reason for traveling here to this place again?[/i] He had asked her. "Zhou, I told you. Ko'noki wouldn't tell me. She only said that it was of the up most importance to be here on this day," She paused holding out a sheet of paper to him. "And to be at this exact address at the exact time on the list.." Taking a moment she shifted a bit. She brushed her bangs back to the sides of her face and took a deep breath before sighing. "You would think after so many years in Temple that 'Noki wouldn't be so cryptic with her instructions.. And this is the first time she's told me where I had to travel to.. It's unusual." She cut her eyes to him, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "And she didn't have to send a bodyguard..."