Alucard frowned. This was both incredibly stupid of him, and not to mention dangerous. Through his crimson gaze, the Reaper could see the delicious Essence Of Blood flowing thickly through every mutant's veins, even from his position farthest away from everyone else in the atrium, near the farthest wall. He wasn't used to being near such a large amount of people, and long-controlled instincts were starting to surface. Blood red wisps of some sort of smoky substance started to gather above his left shoulder, and the teen frowned abruptly, turning his head to the side and inhaling. The mist seeped into his pale skin, adding into his substantial reserves of Blood, and giving him a small boost of self-confidence, something he usually had in droves. The problem was...he knew that he could probably handle a lot of these mutants. He wasn't arrogant in his ability - he was just confident that, if worse came to worse, that he could easily just go for the throat and hopefully get out alive. However....a whole atrium of students, teachers, and staff? He would be overtaken easily. He didn't even [i]want[/i] to fight them, actually. But if he couldn't control his hunger - just until this speech was over, where he can sneak into the city and drain a mugger or other scum, then he would be either put down or locked up. "Like that's going to happen..." The pale teenager inhaled once more, as bloody mist began to seep from his skin and churn towards the ceiling. His calm breaths eventually caused the mist to seep back into his skin once more, and Alucard sat up straight against the wall, standing his full, impressive height of 6'2. He wouldn't fail himself, nor his mother and father...despite how ungrateful and pathetic his charges were. He would prevail. An apathetic smirk formed on his features, and his form suddenly turned crimson, caked over in mystical life fluid, before it hardened and chipped away into mist, which drifted out the nearby window and door cracks. A silent, relieved sigh flitted from between his lips. Now that he had covered the first layer of skin with an unseeable layer of blood-mist, it acted as a shield to keep anymore blood from escaping his pores until he forced the blood-armor to go away, or to absorb back into his flesh. "Now, let's see what she has to say..." Alucard whispered in his regular calm, polite tone of voice, his eerie gaze turning upwards, just as the principal of the school entered the room. He leaned back against the wall once more, crossing his slender, sinewy arms. As for outfitting, he wore a comfortable white dress-shirt that was customly tailored for breathing room, flexibility, along with tiny holes in the fabric to allow vapors to come out. A sleek, blood-red jacket covered that, with the collar permanently up and zipped, hiding his chin and mouth from view, while also covering his arms and hands, which wore leather gloves. Regular black jeans and high-top sneakers completed the outfit.