[quote=Gunther] I read over everyone's character sheets. I was more concerned with the 17-19 year olds as those are the students, Adrien interacts with and forms close relationships with. I tried to come up with some form of relationships with the characters. If anyone would like to interject with my notes, please do. We can work on relationships for the RP.Katherine “Kitty” Anne Pryde. , 33 (Deerfield, Illinois), Headmistress/Teacher of Computer Science, Phasing/IntangibilityRespectAlfredo “Freddie” Benito DiAngelo, , 24 (Isola delle Femmine, Sicily, Italy), Teacher/Coach, Physical Education, TelekinesisAdrien does not quite get Mr. DiAngelo. It will take time for him to warm up to the Italian Gym teacher.Name: Steve Irvine, , 29 (Miami, Florida), History teacher & mechanic, PyrokinesisAdrien has resepct for Mr. Irvine who constantly tells him to call him, "Steve". Name: Luna Marionette, 18 (Hume, Virginia), Student, Lupine mutationAdrien is attracted to Luna. He is concerned about her mental health. She reminds him of his sister Gina when she acts out. Personal experiences with his sister allows him to remain calm when she gets upset and he is capable of soothing her.Adrian admires Daisy Vaughn (Phoebas) for her personality.Name: Duncan James Spencer, , 18 (Dundee, Scotland), Student, Kinetic Energy Absorption Adrien perceives Duncan as aloof. He had attempted once early in the year to engage him in conversation. Although, Duncan was outwardly friendly, Adrien perceived something about him that pushed him away. He has since remained indifferent or distant from the Scottish mutant.Name: Naka Vejay, , 18 (Sibiu, Romania), Troublemaker, harness elements Adrian thinks Naka is fun to hang out with. She is a good friend. Name: Alicia Taylor, , 17 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), Student, MetempsionicAdrien is friends with Alicia. Name: Oona Fredrick, , 17 (Fort Campbell, Tennessee) student, metamorphosis into water based life-form Adrien is friends with Oona.Name: Alucard De Vinci, , 18 (Venice, Italy), Blood's Essence Adrien perceives Alucard as arrogant. This perception initially turns him off, but he cannot help possessing a certain child like curiosity of Alucard. He would like to know more about him. Unknown to either Adrien or Alucard, Adrien's blood could kill Alucard and Adrien is unable to heal him. This pairing could make for a certain level of animosity if their blood was to mix. The two are neither friends or enemies. There is a congenial indifference about them.Name: Harley Roald Coeman, , 18 (Stillwater, Minnesota), Student, Hallucinogen Emission/Emotional ManipulationAdrien enjoys Harley's company. Adrien is heterosexual and has never allowed sexual orientation to get in the way of friendship. He knows Harley is a good friend and appreciates that.Name: Daniel Aiden Green - "Danny", , 19 (San Francisco, CA), Student, Teacher's Assistant, Botanist, Plant Manipulation/Contaminant Immunity Adrien likes Danny. He is a good friend. He appreciates the fact that they both possess a "healing" ability. He views Danny as a kindred spirit.Name: Jade Green, , 17 (Little Falls, New York), Pyrokinesis/ Pyro Feline Familiars/Feline Physical AttributesAdrien enjoys Jade's company. They are good friends. He appreciates her low key approach. [/quote] Aww, no Apollo :(