In the rougher parts in he city of Liria there was a tavern it was the place for individuals of with questionable morals were. Inside towards the back in a corner was a group of 5 men with various weapons sitting around the table while one of them deals cards to the other men at the table. "Did ya her that there's a gathering of paladin's in the main square?" said the largest of the men asked. "Of course we did rumors of what they are after," replied the man who was not tall. "Maybe we get a job out of this," the man who was not short chipped in. "I wouldn't get your hopes up. What ever they are doing they will keep it to them selves," the who was not tall turn to the speaker. "How would you know Boje?" the person in question refilled his glass with some whiskey "because the times I was hired to work with paladins they barely tolerate us," Boje explain to the table there a chorus of understanding sounds as the focus back onto there cards.