Ok, everyone so we have got a decent number of people now to where we can all collaborate on the Plot. Sword Art Online- In this Arc, if we choose this one, it will still be a death game and everyone will still be unable to log out, but the main Protagonist and Antagonist are not present. (Kirito, Asuna, Heathcliff, Silica, etc.) We will be players trapped in this game fighting our way through the floors to try and get out of the game and earn our freedom back. (I can't claim full originality for this Idea, as this idea has been used several times before by others.) ALFheim Online- In this Arc, if we choose it, it will be much similar to the Sword Art Online arc in the sense that the main Protagonist and Antagonist are not present(Kirito, Asuna, Leafa, Oberon, etc.) Rather this game was released after the completion of Sword Art Online and is now filled with players. While it is an Alternate story with the loss of the original Arc's protagonists and antagonist, the main plot of the Game itself is still present. Everyone wants to reach the top of the world tree to gain the favor of Oberon the Faerie King and receive a great treasure. The reward for reaching the top is now a great treasure, rather then the original Arc's fable of becoming an Alf. Though this treasure does not have to be YOUR characters goal, and it doesn't have to be OUR groups goal. We as a group could have a completely different goal in-game. The general idea- The general idea I want our rp to follow, no matter which Arc we choose, is that we as Roleplayer are going to play in-depth characters that take full advantage of the world. I want to actually spend some time working on details of the world, so we can use it to our fullest. Crafting is a big thing, as is getting better gear, and in both games very little light is shed on Crafting Material tiers, and Gear classification levels. In ALO, where the world is much more expansive, it would be easier to get more out of the world, but the SAO world has it's own things that are unique as well. Either way, I am happy with either one, and I am leaving it up to us as a group to collaborate on which arc we would rather do.