It felt so good to be back after a short vacation back home. Danny sat in the front row of the auditorium with his legs crossed and his hands just on his knee. He sat up straight and proper as the new headmistress of the Institute, Kitty Pryde, spoke. He had always admired and looked up to her ever since he started attending the school. Being a former student and party girl, he knew she wouldn't be so uptight with the students. The stir of voices began to dimmer as the orientation began, causing Danny to take notice of everyone in attendance. So many eager and scared students, just like he once was when he first started. He couldn't blame them. Just finding out you're different from everyone else, and now you're living with strangers just to discover who you are to to protect yourself from the dangers of the outside world. That's a lot for a person to handle. Danny was not only scrutinized for being a mutant, but also for being homosexual. Being a part of two minority groups that received hate on a daily basis is enough to make anyone quit, but not this red-auburn head boy, which had a lot of volume and was styled up nicely. He's learned to be strong and develop tough skin if he's gonna make it out there. He quickly adjusted his green scarf around his neck, part of his many fashionable ensembles he puts together. Not really dressy but not so casual, he wore a white v-neck shirt and some blue skinny jeans that fit his figure nicely. On his feet he wore black high tops and finished it off with a green scarf. He always had to wear something green which became a trademark of his. One of many others like being called a "flower child" or being ruthless when it came to encouraging others to recycle and save the environment. He admits he could be a bit overboard with being green, but with global warming and other natural disasters he feels its important to preserve God's green Earth as their home. But when he's not being an activist, he's really the most nice and timid person you could meet. Danny felt good inside knowing he could be one of those people you could talk to about anything and not receive any harsh judgments unless he's just playing with you. On his left, Danny could hear the sound of a student drinking straight out of a water bottle as the headmistress went on with her speech. As the student began to empty out the contents of his bottle into his mouth, that loud cracking of the plastic bottle began to invade his hearing. After they were finished, the student started to crumple up the Ozarka bottle when Danny turned his head, his piercing green eyes staring at the new student. "I hope you plan on recycling that." The student seemed taken aback at first, but nodded instantly and tried turning away from Danny's gaze. Danny wasn't the kind to be intimidating, but when it came to nature he automatically goes into 'take no prisoners' mode. Hopefully the students wouldn't test his patience on his first day of being a Teacher's assistant. He wanted to be the lovable Danny everyone knew and not a pain in the ass. Even though he was an aid, he was still a student at the institute and wanted others to be comfortable with him outside of class.