[center]Appearance: [URL=http://s1330.photobucket.com/user/aesoarx/media/cat-eye-makeup_zps9ad21c4d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1330.photobucket.com/albums/w564/aesoarx/cat-eye-makeup_zps9ad21c4d.jpg[/IMG][/URL] 5’6, Olive skin, Dark wavy hair Name: Aurora “Rory” Olivia Claudwell Codename: Jinx Age: 18 Place of Birth: Upstate New York Occupation: Student Family: Julian Claudwell – Brother, Missing. Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Mutant Ability: Cat-like abilities. Rory is agile, flexible, has fast reflexes, and is stronger than the average human being. This makes her more prone to success at certain martial arts. She also has sharp vision, capable of seeing clearly at night and across distances with higher detail. Her more obvious mutation is her claws, which are hard of substance and retractable when she’s not engaged in combat. Unique abilities include… Phase Walking – Rory may appear to be ‘teleporting’ when using this ability. However, Rory accelerates her speed of movement to the point of being indistinguishable by the human eye. This is mostly used to dodge attacks and typically works in shorter bursts. Rory’s abilities are continuing to develop... Personality and History: Rory grew up in a wealthy and comfortable home. Her father owned and ran his own company successfully. He along with his wife were frequently away from home due to company obligations, leaving the children in the care of the nanny. Because of this, Rory and her siblings, older brother Julian and younger sister Alexandrine, became extremely close over the years. They relied on each other to confide in, and they were the first to know when Rory’s abilities began to manifest. Despite their frequent absences, Mr. and Mrs. Claudwell always made sure to spend holidays and birthdays at home. One birthday night, Rory’s 16th, their large home caught on fire with the family inside. Rory escaped with the help of her brother, Julian, but the rest of the family perished in the blaze. Shortly after seeing his sister to safety, Julian disappeared into the chaos. It was assumed that he died trying to save the rest of their family from the burning house, however, his remains were never found. With access to her funds limited until her 18th birthday, and harboring fear over her growing powers, Rory sought out the institute. She viewed it as a safe place to cope with her loss and to learn more about her strange gifting. Although she still seems to carry a lot of sadness at times, Rory has slowly begun to heal from that tragic period in her life. She is a deep thinker, with a wild and fun loving spin to her personality. She values spontaneity and personal connections. She is fiercely loyal to those she bounds to, and can be extremely protective. She is a passionate and aggressive fighter. Extra: Rory often has extremely vivid dreams and nightmares. They are unbelievably life-like, and frequently leave her with a sense of foreboding. More than once she has woken up screaming or in tears. The emotional turmoil and realistic quality of her experiences have left Rory wondering if these visions could possibly be more than simple dreams. Rory is a skillful cellist. Before the manifestation of her powers and the death of her family, she had planned to pursue a career in music. She still practices, although she typically does so privately. It is rare to hear her play. Most students and faculty are unaware of her musical talent. [/center]