As the others left, Foror let all safety measures for external life. he shot twice more before the roof suddenly caved in. as he regained external motors and sense's he saw that the tavern was flooded, for what he did not know. "Lethal force shutdown code 3DB13F." he said to stop unneeded casualty's. looking around he saw a downed G.O.A.T. and started sprinting towards it to check for survivors. seeing a kobold from the bar talking to someone, he slowed to a walk to conserve ethanol, which was running quite low."must find enough ethanol to recover after that, or risk shutdown." Foror thought to himself. when he reached the G.O.A.T. he noticed Zeal and the kobold talking. "sorry for the upset sir goat and kobold, I thought the goblins already knew about there king. For the First's sake, it reached our Island and we managed to mobilize a small task force to ensure his return, logic dictates that they knew. Either way you handled yourself quite well, could you help the SS S.I.R.S. and I with this political mater mister..."