[center][img=http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Marlowe%20Hanse%20Faraday&name=FREEBSC_.ttf&size=40&style_color=00C4FF][/center] [center][img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/90/1c/6b/901c6b56b7ac0ca5651edacc304c8b4e.jpg][/center] --- [center][b]Appearance:[/b][/center] [center]The epitome of a well kept, very clean cut man; as if he directly came stepping out of a yacht somewhere off the coast of Rio. He's exactly the man people picture wearing a brightly colored scarf around his neck and decked in some designer, modern fashion wear, or walking around in a 'casual' suit as if he owns half a continent. Of course, that's just his style. Marlowe likes looking nice and being that stop-and-stare kind of guy, though he wouldn't quite jump anyone's bones just for a random compliment and he certainly isn't fishing for compliments (though that's what it might seem at first), but rather he's a man who intensely cares about how he presents himself. And he often presents himself as a man who knows where he's going, what he's going to do, and where he stands; he's confident and should be. It came iffy at first, but Marlowe has come to learn that he's truly living his life as he sees fit, uninhibited by the prejudices or worries of people and institutions, regardless of where he currently is in life. There's always a visible glow to his skin, which is unusually soft to the touch and as bright as the smiles and smirks he often flashes. Holding his 6 even height as tall and sure as possible, Marlowe keeps himself as fit and healthy as possible and regularly undergoes a a day-to-day routine to do so. He always moves and acts with purpose and motive, not to mention he's almost always actually moving. At least one part of his body needs to be moving and always is, just out of habit due to a minor case of ADD. Blue eyes are stark and intense, holding back feelings only meant for those closest. Out of everything Marlowe cares most about is his hair, which he tends to with extreme care and style, often wearing it slightly longer, with a modern dapper style as if he was always formal and with the clothes he wears, it's a wonder he's not at a ball or gala 24/7.[/center] [center][b]Name:[/b][/center] [center]Marlowe Hanse Faraday[/center] [center][b]Nickname/Alias:[/b][/center] [center]Goldberg, Goldie, Marley, Day, Marls, Low, Mars, Dandy, Pretty Boy[/center] [center][b]Codename:[/b][/center] [center]Ivory[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b][/center] [center]33[/center] [center][b]Place of Birth:[/b][/center] [center]Lévis, Quebec, Canada[/center] [center][b]Occupation:[/b][/center] [center]Physics Teacher at Xavier's Institute; Stealth and Reconnaissance Instructor; Occasionally aids in Hand-to-Hand combat, or CQC, with the actual instructor[/center] [center][b]Family:[/b][/center] [center]Ryan Daniel Leidel-Faraday; Ex-Husband[/center] [center][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/center] [center]Right out of a Divorce of 9 Years; Currently Single, but not necessarily looking[/center] --- [center][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/8417bf1d18f729b25e61cd20e288ab78/tumblr_msg2lrsQFS1rp1e45o1_500.gif][/center] --- [center][b]Mutant Ability:[/b][/center] [center][i]Probability Manipulation[/i] Essentially, the ability to change things in or out of the favor of either Marlowe or a target of his choice. This is the exact change in probability surrounding a target or event, to either change something that has a relatively low chance of happening into occurring immediately or through a chain of events or stopping something that should have happened by decreasing the probability of it occurring. It's the direct change in something that was probable or improbable, but not something that would be deemed impossible, such as defying the laws of physics or suddenly causing a mutation to immediately make one invincible. It plays around with the chances of something that could happen and either stops it from happening or makes it happen. However, in combat, Marlowe isn't much of a direct fighter and is more of a saboteur type support, or stealth combatant. He uses this to aid his team to further their chances of survival and success, while also degrading enemy defenses and essentially making them less efficient fighters—clouding their helmets, causing one to choke on his gum, jam guns, misfire, suddenly increase the intensity of the wind to shirk accuracy, etc. At the moment, he can directly effect the outcome of something through touch, or by centering around a certain person or object within his line of sight. The aid of scopes or binoculars, or anything that enhances his current vision by giving him nightvision, infrared, etc. can essentially increase the range and efficiency of his powers. As well, if he doesn't have a particular target, he can effect a radius around him or around something he targets (such as ricocheting a knife into a corridor to increase the chance of hitting an enemy that he cannot see). He is particularly known for initiating elaborate schemes and events akin to a Rube Goldberg Machine, which was how he got his nickname, though he is officially called 'Ivory'.[/center] [center][b]Personality and History:[/b][/center] [center]Canada is just a wonderful place. Not only does Marlowe drive the stereotype home, but he was practically the staple for it. Of course, following stereotypes isn't bad... it's just the part about actually forcing the stereotype on others that would be deemed bad. Marlowe wasn't necessarily that person, but he often held himself to be as respectful and polite as possible, regardless of who that person was. But, Marlowe's life wasn't necessarily as full and vibrant as his character is; in fact, he was often the reason for a moment or the reason something was exciting. He was the reason people would go places. If Marlowe was there, people followed. Born to a single mother—his father left before he could remember who he was—Marlowe was raised in a slightly downtrodden home. His family was impoverished, his mother a waiter, and he could barely get by in school. Of course, Mars was always a chipper individual and did more care taking than his mother did for him. He didn't mind being there for her and didn't mind falling asleep hungry, every now and then. But, that didn't last all that long because Marlowe literally fell on top of a pile of luck. A young man had found him roaming around the streets of his town, in an attempt to maybe help his mother out with their money issue. Being the production assistant of a local TV show, he found Marlowe to be the perfect child to play the family's sweet, adorable kid. Swept into the entertainment business, he lifted all the burden off of his mother's shoulder through the copious amounts of money he began making. Canada didn't have a Hollywood seen like its neighbor, but there was still plenty of money to be made there. It was definitely enough money for two people to survive on. But it, oddly enough, got better from there. Not only did he become a rising star, occasionally drifting from Canada to Hollywood, though his home was back with his mother, but he kept getting offer after offer until he couldn't possibly do anything but work. And yet, he always found time for his family, in which his mother had struck gold herself by inventing the next best thing and raising a company from it all on her own. Not knowing that one shouldn't bite a gift horse in the mouth, Marlowe delved deeper into this sudden font of luck that showered over him and his family. It took a few years, but after willing a certain chain of events to happen before his eyes, he realized exactly what he was and what he could do. But, the world didn't quite like mutants; there were active protests against giving them the same rights as humans. But, his powers were tame and unnoticeable, as well as easily controlled. He could grow them in secret without anyone asking why and even those who did often let go of the question without much fuss. But, entertainment wasn't quite where he wanted to be. He saw the pain that people like him had to endure and not many people were doing things about it. He didn't have the power to stop it completely, but he did have the power to try. Plus, his mother had whatever she had under control and she no longer needed him; he no longer needed her to live. Not to say that he didn't stop loving her, much less visit. But he found himself working for government officials, working his way up to gain enough know how and enough power to possibly turn the tide of the whole mutant rights thing. Though, he did run into a hefty obstacle on his way there. Fresh out of the political circuit, he stumbled upon a secretary, aspiring to be an ambassador; he had a quite the wanderlust and it showed in how much he knew about the world, it's issues, and its languages. He stopped his climb to settle down, to help this green eyed traveler get out into the world. There was only one issue holding him back: the fact that, in his years with Ryan, he'd found his way into the X-Men, having realized that he couldn't quite rock the boat from where he wanted. He had various years in which he questioned his motives and the way he was going about them; politics wasn't necessarily his forte, despite having climbed so far already. So, he settled for something a little easier and a lot more fulfilling than discussing issues instead of actually solving them. The move wasn't at all suspicious to Ryan, though it would take awhile before they could get proper citizenship. Though, Ryan had found a way into working for the Canadian Embassy from New York, making the process for getting a visa a whole lot less messier. It was at Xavier's Institute that he made a name for himself in the mutant community, unbeknownst to Marlowe's husband and indirectly aiding in the whole Apocalypse incident—he made sure the students that were still there were properly protected. Prior to that, he would often accompany a few from the X-men team on covert operations, in which he served as their recon and stealth operative. It wasn't until it all went down the drain that his marriage did the same. Apparently, his husband of 9 years had a particular disdain for mutantkind, something that Marlowe had either blinded himself to or hadn't bothered noticing. When things leaked about him having been a part of the X-Men and teaching mutants how to be better mutants, things didn't end quite as Marlowe had planned. Luckily, they hadn't any children to harm in the rocky divorce that wracked their marriage. They both split a part when Katherine re-opened the Institute, unknowingly giving Marlowe and escape from the emotions that plagued him afterwards. Despite seeming perfectly fine, the process is still ongoing and it's taking its toll on the teacher, especially since he is most unlikely to gather any help during.[/center] [center][b]Extra:[/b][/center] [center]— Despite already being properly funded, Marlowe aids Kitty through pooling what money he can to help keep the institute on its feet and sturdy. — Has a proclivity to use throwing knives as weapons and is adept at it, even without his powers. — Has a white and black calico cat by the name of Dice. — Has a very light, almost unnoticeable French-Canadian accent. In particular he can sometimes curl his r's in that guttural French sound and has a light slur on n's or t's that end a word. He talks so fast and concise (other than those slip ups) that it's often hard to tell to the untrained ear. — [url=http://37.media.tumblr.com/61b0b85bc49ca97350f6c3182ee61d36/tumblr_n5oasxPLMu1rvnozuo1_500.png]Ryan Daniel Leidel-Faraday[/url] was his husband for 9 years before something had occurred in which Ryan found out that Marlowe was a mutant. He filed for a divorce soon after a large fight. Marlowe currently has no idea how something as big as being a mutant could have been over looked and why it was such a big deal, though, despite being curious, would rather he keep it a mystery. No reason to hate the man you still have deep feelings for.[/center] --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3pz0pni4l1r7ifqv.gif][/center] --- [Hider=Relationships! WIP] [center][b](I'm still working on this. But if you want something specific tell me now.)[/b][/center] [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/6b820982f3b93dc41bb1c2e1e2ddd3f9/tumblr_inline_mx1w6wMtvf1rpeqts.gif][/center] --- [center][b]Katherine Anne Pryde[/b][/center] Now, he didn't really attend school with Kitty, but he's known her for quite some time, especially since they're relatively the same age. But, Kitty has the know how and the confidence to run Xavier's Institute, and a quality he can't quite put his finger on that makes her the perfect candidate. If anyone saw it, it was probably the Professor. But, regardless, Mars follows Kitty wherever she wants to go; he's got her back, just like she has his, and apparently everyone involved and more. Whatever she needs, especially money wise, he's got it covered, just as long as he gets to be a part of the action. Action, as in being involved in reestablishing Xavier's Institute as the safest haven that mutantkind can find. If there's anyone he'd be more afraid of failing, it's probably Kitty. He has no say as to where his money goes and trusts Kitty's decisions and leadership to the fullest. They're good friends and he loves her like a sister, but Marlowe is stubborn and Kitty knows that. No matter what problems he has, he always diminishes it and hides it behind issues he feels need more attention. But, he's assured her plenty that nothing will stop him from giving the students hope and something to hold on to, as well as a good education to boot. He feels he can solve his problems on his own, especially since he'd feel terrible if he dragged anyone else into them, and hopefully she understands and respects his decision. [center][b]Armonia Torres[/b][/center] Marlowe hadn't the pleasure of attending the Institute when he was younger (caring for your impoverished mother kind of forces you away from proper education), but when he started helping out and teaching when Xavier was still alive, he did have the pleasure of working with Art on a few occasions and teaching her some. From the age he met her to about 18, she'd had this weird shift in personalities, but he'd not questioned it. It was probably for the better. However, he didn't really get to know her until he found her performing out in the streets and the later than night working the graveyard shift for a diner. That's where they officially met and become relatively close for two people with radically different lives. He'd, on occasion, head down to where she'd work, ask her if she was doing alright, and occasionally she'd accept a few persistent invitations for dinner with him and his husband. Though, that kind of stopped when shit hit the fan and she disappeared afterwards; he'd asked her once and got a meaningless remark and immediately dropped it afterwards. Mars always respected her personal space. Though he'd consider them pretty close friends, he has yet to tell her of the incident between him and his late husband. In fact, he'd rather not anyone but he and Kitty know. Regardless, Art is probably one of the only teacher's he's comfortable completely letting go with, and has on occasion made more than enough of a ruckus dancing and singing with her until his throat was raw. Not to mention he'd been drinking that day, but no one needed to know that tidbit. He keeps asking her to tattoo him (mainly when he's drunk) but always chickens out at the last second. One of these days he's going to be strapped to a chair and given the largest, most intrusive tattoo of his life and he'd not regret because he probably deserves it for literally playing chicken so much over the past few months. [center][b]Daisy Vaughn[/b][/center] Daisy's been there since he started teaching, so of course he remembers her face. She was a very hard working student and he often helped her out with some of her college work whenever he could, but he was only really proficient in mathematics and science based math. They were on a student-teacher basis and, despite having grown since then and been separated due to what had occurred, he fears that they probably still are. Of course, he often dips in to help with her combat class to spar and instruct students on CQC type combat. Outside of work, currently, he talks with her on occasion, possibly to reminisce. He particular likes having coffee with her and simply chatting the morning away. [center][b]Steve Irvine[/b][/center] There's not a lot he currently knows about Steve, aside from maybe having met him once or twice before he left. Through recent interactions, though, he and Steve get along pretty well, but are strictly just colleagues at the moment. He enjoys his passion and occasionally chatting during breaks or days off, but other than that, Marlowe and Steve don't have much to go off of, though that's only due to the little amount of time that they've known each other and the recent issues that Mars is currently going through. [center][b]Marlowe Faraday[/b][/center] Marlowe likes himself just fine. Although there are moments that he certainly wishes he could have a different, more temporal based power, like the one he's currently going through, but Mars is usually very sure of himself and confident in the things that he does. Most of all, he knows who he is and that only he has the power to guide his life—that took awhile to realize, but he's become a much happier person for it. He doesn't let things get to his head and prefers not to judge someone until they've proven themselves, and even then he usually keeps his opinions to himself. If there's anyone who can understand his rigorous exercise routine and need to wake up so early, it's her. It helps that she's chatty individual who packs more of a punch than the coffee he drinks. [center][b]Freddie DiAngelo[/b][/center] Among some of the other teachers, Freddie has been one of the few he's taught prior to the destruction of the X-Mansion and the division of most of the X-Men. He's more than once stepped in to help calm Freddie down and on more than once accompanied him out on the basketball field or in the sparring ring in an attempt to help him blow off steam. Through that he's gotten the pleasure of getting to know Freddie and vice versa, though they've not quite known each other outside of the school and when it went up in flames, most of the people simply wandered off. It's been awhile since he's seen Freddie, but when Kitty re-opened the school, he had the pleasure of getting caught up over a few chats with the other teachers. He likes Freddie and believes him to be a very strong individual, both on the outside and character wise. He respects and trusts him and his abilities, though they aren't the closest friends. He's very capable in Marlowe's mind and, though he has a temper, he's definitely certain of Freddie's resolve. And if Freddie slips up, Marlowe's among the few who give him a bit of leeway for it; he knows sometimes it's hard to just keep it all in and it's better to let it out and direct it safely, than do something one would potentially regret. --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/05999242162f9fabf0798600b49a0d1b/tumblr_inline_mx1vrz0Ouj1rpeqts.gif][/center] --- [center][b]Luna Marionette[/b][/center] A bit of a wildcard, but who's not a wildcard nowadays? Guess that's what's chic and hipster now. But, anything Marlowe says that's cheeky is all in jest, especially since she's one of his students. A very impulsive and chatty lady, but that's natural for gal with powers like hers, though she's often caught her staring at a few of the male teachers—he couldn't blame her, to be honest, 'cause some of 'em aren't half bad. However, a student-teacher relationship that gets out of hand, can spell more than just a few broken hearts, so he's had to drag her into his classroom after the period ended to make sure she knows what people are open to a relationship like that and that teachers are kind of off a no fly zone. That's not the whole make up of their relationship; Marlowe serves as a good teacher and confidant for his students and Luna isn't an exception to that rule. He likes to do what he can for her because, even if he doesn't understand what it's like to have volatile powers, he understands what it's like to be under the pressure of prejudice or put in a different category aside from normal. For that to happen in a school for people who are way off that spectrum, it's gotta be a dead end where all hopes and dreams go to die. No one deserves that kind of treatment and no one deserves to have to keep people at a distance just to protect them from yourself. [center][b]Duncan Spencer[/b][/center] Not a necessarily social individual, but that's okay. Sometimes students think it's a little weird to get buddy-buddy with their teachers and he gives those students space, mainly because they tend to be Debbie Downers, anyways. Not that that's a bad thing, but when people don't want to be dealt with, then it'd be rude to push them out of their comfort zone. Duncan's a special case, though, in that his powers are often a nexus for Marlowe's curiosity. Due to the fact that he absorbs kinetic energy he may or may not have ran a few random, possibly harmful tests to find the boy's threshold. So far, he's gotten to about 100 Newtons of force and he still has yet to budge. [center][b]River Hunnigan[/b][/center] There's not much Marlowe knows about River, so he's reserved any opinions he has about him. But, he can't help but feel a bit of a 'bad boy' vibe from him, though he'll wait for the kid to come around before he confirms that theory. Of course, he does seem to be avoiding him purposefully, not that Marlowe minds, but it seems just a tad bit suspicious. If there's anyone that's a stickler for the rules, Marlowe is probably close to the bottom of that list. But, everyone needs help one at some point in their lives and Marlowe knows he's among the more amiable teachers (though he competes with Art for who the nicest, most helpful teacher is) and he knows exactly the point where he can pounce on his prey. For now, he's content with being aloof like River seems to be doing. [center][b]Naka Vejay[/b][/center] Has yet to see her, so he has no current opinion of her. [center][b]Alicia Taylor[/b][/center] Cool kid, weird power. She seems to have a bit of a difficulty with physics, but Marlowe's life is dedicated to helping the students anyways, so it's never an inconvenience if she needs to stay after class. He makes sure he doesn't leave the institute until everyone's sure they don't need to talk to him (and even then, he often spends the night because it can be a bit hard at home). Marlowe doesn't have too much of a formal opinion of her, other than that she's probably one of the calmer, less troubled kids that attend the mutant exclusive school. But, Marlowe always keeps his door open for anyone to wander in and pretty much ask anything, maybe chat a little and get to know their teachers, etc. [center][b]Oona Fredrick[/b][/center] Among the more unusual powers that some students are gifted with, but it's unique to her and useful in its own way. She seems like a rather happy individual, albeit a bit bashful and doesn't often talk to Marlowe. He's approached her a few times and she's not really said more than necessary, so Marlowe leaves it at that. He doesn't often like to press his students, but can be a bit shady when it comes to coaxing 'em out of their shells—none of which is too humiliating, should they not be ready, and none of which he isn't going to hold himself accountable for. He takes full responsibility if he makes any of his students feel uncomfortable and out of place because he overstepped a boundary. [center][b]Alucard De Vinci[/b][/center] Nosferatu, he likes to call Alucard. Unfortunately, as a teacher, he's been given as much info as possible on his students and their powers. Many times he's dragged the kid back to make sure he doesn't intentionally (or even unintentionally) drain ANY of the students or faculty in the school, or outside, or anywhere really. He doesn't take charge in that district, as there's probably someone who already attempts to keep him supplied with his type of sustenance. Out of all of the kids, he's very wary of Alucard when he's around any of the other students and often keeps an eye on him specifically, not out of distrust, but purely out of precaution. There are plenty of potential threats already within the building, but Mars likes to focus on those he feels have near total control over their decisions, Alucard being one of them. [center][b]Harley Coeman[/b][/center] This kid—greatest kid ever. No, but, Harley works exceptionally hard at whatever he focuses his mind on, and though Mars understands and sees the lack of confidence in his eyes, he knows there's enough drive deep down to keep him going in the right direction. Marlowe likes to be one of the guiding hands in that, along with some other teachers, in order to make sure he's making progress in the right direction. He does that to a lot of the kids, but more specifically, he likes to take more responsibility for the 'special case' children that attend the Institute, though he understands that a lot of the other teachers feel the same way. Although, Harley one of the less social of the student body, Mars does his best to at least talk to the kid once a day, in order to see how well he's doing and if he's progressing any. --- [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/2bff55aec399ea067b95a71735b21da3/tumblr_inline_mx1w7ikudv1rpeqts.gif][/center] --- [center][b]Daniel Green[/b][/center] [center][b]Jade Green[/b][/center] [center][b]Aurora Claudwell[/b][/center] [center][b]Adrien Timoshenko[/b][/center] [center][b]Elena Elwyn[/b][/center] [center][b]Flavie Lefèvre[/b][/center] [center][b]Morena Silicus[/b][/center] --- [center][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/79b5fbc6aea1fdd45a25c0a35aef122e/tumblr_muz5d3gqOq1sryko0o1_500.gif][/center][/hider]