[i]Dafuq? Who does this guy think he is??[/i] The seemingly suave Loveless was more than a little pissed off by the same act coming through the other end of the line. It was not who he was expecting, meant more bad news, and most importantly meant giving Tak a piece of his mind would be delayed. An irked twitch of his eyebrow was the only crack in his cool expression as he replied "Well do you think you could have him back to us soon? I don't remember letting you borrow him, and it is quite late. You'll understand its past his bedtime. Also, that thing you did, using 'our' like that...lumping [i]me[/i] in together with whoever [i]you[/i] are--don't do that." Visibly shaking his head while on the phone. Meanwhile he squatted down and began making a crude drawing in the dirt. There was Tak, tied to a chair sitting inside a heart while surrounded by a bunch of mean-faced stick figures. He made sure to draw Nekomata roasting a few randoms as well as a very colorful depiction of unicorn impaling one of the bad guys before indicating it to Leo and Ikeda.