Sam sat and watched the fight closely. He took mental note of everyone's abilities, their style and potential. But even more he was searching. Searching for a weapon. Ever since he returned to the mainland he hadn't had a chance to get something to defend himself with, now was that chance. He picked a clueless wizard who was busy firing spectral chains from his one hand when holding a spear in the other. This was his guy. Sam picked up a rock, balancing it in his hand he took aim. He lobbed the rock over the battlefield and hit the chain wizard on his shoulder. Didn't hurt him much, but it sure got his attention. As Sam anticipated the wizard launched some chains at him, but Sam had already taken cover behind the cart. From behind the card Sam laughed and flipped the guy the bird. Pissed off the wizard came charging, and naturally got caught in the elemental storm of crossfire. Ice, fire and wind smashing into him from every side. Once the wizard reached the cart he was at his limit, he was slow and enraged. Even Sam had no trouble slapping the spear from his grasp, the wizard shot a chain at Sam at pointblank range as a last ditch effort. Sam got his right side wrapped, so he punched the wizard in the face until he collapsed and the chains dissipated. Sam picked up the spear, a well crafted weapon. Still inspecting the spear, testing it's weight and balance, he stepped back on the cart and stuck the spearhead in the kettle with still boiling potion. The potion quickly crept up the spear shaft like white animated tar. Sam brandished his spear and held it up, it shone a bright light that left a trace in the air with every movement. Now we're talking. Sam set the red potions on his belt and got off the cart. Time to join in.