Kaldis stared in awe at the spectacle before him, he'd expected all the new comers to be stronger than him, but he certainly didn't expect them to just tear through the enemy guild ranks as quickly as they did. He shook himself out of his daze when he remembered he was supposed to be fighting too, and looked down at the gauntlets he'd formed for his forearms; looked like he'd need something more heavy duty to keep up. Running along to catch up, he made it a point to go to the left, because fire was scary, and ice was cold. Not to mention it looked like the scariest and toughest of the bunch were going for Hector, a lot of them were screaming, which really made it clear to Kaldis that getting in his way would be a terrible idea. As he broke to the left, he ran his right hand over his left arm, and used his Wood-Make to solidify a small buckler shield over his gauntlet, and afterwards he formed a bo-staff by clasping his hands together again. "[i]I won't just sit by and let them do all the heavy lifting!"[/i] Kaldis began backpedaling away from the approaching mages, he knew full well that he might be able to take a few of them, but going head to head wasn't the best idea. There were maybe about 4 of them approaching, and 2 of the 4 were already prepping spells, one's eyes were glowing an orange shade and the other's hands were releasing some sort of green gas, the other two just had weapons; a sword and a spear, both probably enchanted. Before the one with glowing eyes could make his move, Kaldis just chucked the bo-staff right at him, like a javelin, nailing him in the forehead. Not letting the confusion go to waste, he sprinted between the other three, narrowly missing getting grabbed by the gassy hands one, and slammed the shield on his gauntlet straight into the eye-mage's head, with surprisingly enough force to knock him to the ground. [i]"Was...was I always this fast?"[/i] He almost stopped to calm down, before he saw the spear of one of the remaining 3 in his peripheral vision, and blocked it with his buckler. The spear's tip glided along the buckler and went up, towards Kaldis' head, but fortunately, it got caught between one of his antlers and the prongs of it, and surprisingly, when Kaldis pushed his head forward, the spear gave way with a loud snap as the shaft broke, the spear-mage's face turned to an expression of shock before Kaldis nailed him right between the eyes, jumping backwards as the mage started seeing stars and fell to the ground. [i]"...Wh-why am I winning exactly?"[/i] He thought as he ducked under the sword mage's swings...maybe he'd just gotten lucky and gotten the 4 worst mages in the guild...or maybe carpentry was better exercise than he thought! Probably the former. He gave the sword wielder a swift roundhouse kick; which must have really hurt because Kaldis literally saw one of the guy's teeth fall out, and taking advantage of the daze, Kaldis gave a jab to the guy's chest, but the guy just fell back like a limp noodle. As he was turning to face the gas mage, he was surprised as he suddenly grabbed his right arm, and the gas seemingly started eating away at the wood, like a caustic termite machine. Struggling to escape the mage's grip, Kaldis started grunting in pain when the gas reached his arm, he could hear the hairs on it start to catch fire and disappear in half a second, the gas burning his skin. In his desperation, Kaldis launched one desperate kick...and, of course, nailed him right in the junk. The mage doubled over in pain, letting go of Kaldis' arm, and clutching his family jewels as he was brought to the verge of tears by Kaldis' not-so-secret-one-hit-kill-technique. Somewhat feeling sorry for the guy, Kaldis kicked him in the back of the head, and bent over as he lost consciousness, his face a mix of dull surprise and confusion. [b]"...Did...did I seriously do that again!? Why can't I just end it normally...it hurts me just to do that."[/b] he said as he walked away from the 4, scratching his head and trying to hide his eyes in shame.