The morning was a cold one, the chilled breeze causing the occasional shiver to race over Daisy’s skin but not causing her to abandon her post. She was perched atop the institute’s highest tower, her pajama-clad legs folded neatly beneath her, her eyes closed as she tried to concentrate on her breathing. The steady rhythm did nothing to ease the frantic pace of her thoughts as they rushed through her mind. It was a new semester, the start of a new year, and even though she had a year of teaching experience under her belt she felt even more nervous than she had the beginning of the previous year. Not that she would ever let her discomfort be known, of course, she had always been taught to not to show weakness. She sighed deeply, letting her eyes slide open as the first weak rays of sunshine began to warm her chilled skin. At least this year most of the students would probably know she was a teacher and not mistake her as a freshman… probably. Uncrossing her legs with practiced ease, Daisy stood and stretched her small body, her limber muscles shivering a bit in an attempt to produce heat. She stayed on the roof a moment longer, watching as the buttery yellow orb that was the sun creeped sluggishly over the horizon before taking a deep breath and leaping head-long off of the building. A brief rush of cold air hit her body, but her body never hit the ground, instead landing safely on the polished wood floor of her bedroom at the other side of the academy. She chuckled to herself, thinking of the shocked face she had seen as she tumbled past a window. She had given someone a scare, that was for certain. Rising from her crouched position, Daisy crossed the generously sized room to the bathroom, checking her face in the mirror. The damage wasn’t as bad as she thought, the slight purple circles under her eyes the only indication that she had spent the entirety of her night on the roof rather than in bed asleep. She doubted anyone would look closely enough at her to notice. Shrugging off her pajamas, she showered and dressed quickly, her haste tearing her blue and white striped stockings. “Well, damn,” she muttered, running a finger up and down the long run regretfully. She paused, debating briefly if she cared enough to put on a different pair, before deciding almost immediately that she did not and proceeding to tug on a lemon-yellow lace dress. Glossy, cherry-red spike heels completed the ensemble, adding a bit more than three inches to her pathetic five-foot-nothing stature, and with that she was out the door. The jump this time landed her in the auditorium, perfectly at the end of the long line of teachers and right as Kitty Pryde opened her mouth to speak. A huge grin split Daisy’s face from ear to ear, and she nodded in cheerful greeting to her colleagues. She had always had impeccable timing. The nervousness coiling about in her stomach started to dissipate as she noticed the familiar faces of the previous year’s students in the crowd, giving a cheeky wave to Alicia and Rory, a couple of girls who she remember from her combat class, as well as a few other students here and there. This wasn’t going to be so bad, she thought to herself, she could do this. She could definitely do this.