Zander was in the middle of searching for a notorious mage that was rumored to be a powerful wielder of a type of summoning magic. After a courier had handed him a small parcel containing a request letter from his covenant leader, he changed course and marched off to Meldiniar capitol, Liria. He was standing in the line-up of paladins who were waiting to have their citizenship papers acknowledged and confirmed, waiting to enter this magnificently built city. Zanders legs ached from the long journey here, because he hadn't the money to buy or rent a horse. He felt like collapsing, but he thought if he did, other paladins would think he was to nervous or scared. That clearly wasn't the case, but Zander didn't want to be viewed that way. As sized up most of the paladins in their glistening armor. Rude comments that he thought had transformed into rude comments that he spoke. Paladns and citizens alike turned to see Zander in his silver plated armor, talking to himself, unaware he was insulting those very people. "Pathetic...Useless....Is he even a paladin?" these words flowed out of his mouth without him even having a second thought. "Sir, you could at least be more respectful to these fine men. They're here because they were sent here by [i]their[/i] higher ups." A mans voice echoed from behind Zander, making himself something of a target for Zander. Zander had glanced behind him, his face had some battle years on it, making him look older than he actually was, and in turn, a tad bit more intimidating. He give the people behind him the stink-eye, because he didn't exactly know [i]who[/i] was talking to him. The line was being held up by something or someone, he tried looking past off the men and carriages by he just couldn't see. He was getting irritated. Someone must have fumbled their papers, or some must've been got rejected of entry. Whatever it may be, Zander didn't like it. "Move it or lose it!" He shouted towards the front, no thought anything of it, probably because most of the men around him were thinking the same thing. The line started to move again, quite quickly now, so Zander kept his mouth shout until h reached the checkpoint. 10 or so minutes had flown by as he waited, finally reaching the officer who would confirm his citizenship papers and allow him entry. The outiside of the walls of Liria did the capitol no justice, for a bitter soul like Zander had to double take everything that he saw. The sun light of beamed down perfectly on the tall building just beyond the square, giving it a nice glowing feeling. The birds chirped inside the walls much louder than outside and the people of this city as well. Noise was buzzing all around while stands selling bread and assorted goods dotted the streets leading to the square. Zander was amazed, he was in awe. He snapped out of his illusive trance after somebody bumped into him. Zander's face scrunched into a ball and he snapped his gaze to the man. "Watch it boy, or I'll have your he-..." Zander paused in mid sentence. The man had kept walking. He didn't glance at Zander, apologize, he didn't even stop to notice him. This angered Zander but there was nothing he could do, so he didn't. Zander marched forward looking at everything as he entered the massive Grande Square.