Kaldis turned to see the guy who'd asked about his antlers earlier, Sam he believed his name was, before seeing the new batch of wizards charging, now featuring angry guys with axes. Axes were naturally the worst match up for him, so when Sam asked him which he'd prefer to take, he responded almost instantly with: [b]"I-I'll take the harpy then!"[/b] before clasping his hand over the hole in his wooden gauntlet and started reforming it, the wood elevated slightly as it ran over the wound, he didn't want to agitate the burn, and he especially didn't want anybody to hit him there. Not wanting to get back into the fight with little more than a wooden stick, he scooped up the sword-wielder's blade and placed it in his right hand. With his newly acquired blade, he looked up to see the flying lady growing closer, and her explosive bouncy beads too. Not wanting to let her back up the two axe-weilders Sam would be fighting, he did something the flying woman couldn't have expected; he formed a massive shepard's cane with his wood magic and caught her around the waist with it; though his plan went awry when he found out that the cane really didn't stop her at all. As a consequence, Kaldis was dragged along as the woman flew, dangling limply in the air as she flew. [i]"Oh god...I think I'm gonna be sick..."[/i]