[centre][b]Steve Irvine[/b][/centre] The sound of Steve's Yamaha FZ8 echoed outside the Institute as Steve stormed through the front gate in his bike. He was dressed in blue jeans, black leather jacket, boots and half-fingered gloves. He had a backpack on his back with various belongings of his. As he parks the bike inside the garage and climbs off of it, Steve removes his [url=http://motorcycley.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/custom-painted-skull-motorcycle-helmets-3.jpg]custom-painted skull helmet[/url] and imidieatly looks at his wrist watch. "Shit, i'm late! Kitty should begin talking any minute now. If she hasn't already." Said Steve as he started running inside the Institute and then rapidly climbing the stairs towards his room. In the vacation Steve went back in his hometown of Miami. The city was great at this time of year and always hot. He loved the heat, because of his powers. As he ran inside his room, Steve throws the helmet on the bed and starts removing his clothes as he threw them on the ground, then he went to his wardrobe and took out the only suit he had. A black suit with a white shirt, a red tie and a pair of black leather shoes. Steve wasn't a very big fan of wearing suits. He had only one, the one he was dressed with right now and it was only for special occasions, like this one for example. As he got in front of the mirror, Steve put some perfume on him to hide the fact that he was a little sweaty and that maybe he needed a bath. After arranging his long blonde hair Steve gets out of his room and heads to the auditorium, ariving just in time as Kitty and the other teachers were climbing the podium. Steve saluted the students and took a seat behind Kitty as he watched her speak.