Morena Silicus 
[i]The Mage[/i]
Las Vegas(Original I know)
An intern at a medical hospital.
No one of any importance, maybe her [b]Brother: Lucas who may or may not be added...[/b]
She has no one yet. But is a fan of making relationships, friends or more. 
[u][i]Magic[/i][/u] The most simple way to say this is; she is capable of magic-like feats, though in all reality she channels the energies of the world through items, EG her journal and a set of crystals for a variety of effects Thank you for the idea, Xtreme. [b]Tools:[/b] [url=http://www.arkadiancollection.com/files/imagecache/product_full/TSV05-Intense-Green-Tsavorite-Crystal.jpg]Earth[/url] [url=http://www.red5.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/c/r/crystal-blue_1.jpg]Water[/url] [url=http://www.arkadiancollection.com/files/imagecache/product_full/SC02-Natural-Yellow-Scapolite-Crystal.jpg]Wind[/url] [url=http://www.marinmineral.com/db_pics/pics/af555c.jpg]Fire[/url], they are small enough to fit on a leather cord around her neck. [url=http://mylifestylefatlosschallenge.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/journal.jpg]And this, is her journal.[/url]

[u][i]Staff[/i][/u] A [url=http://the-elder-scrolls-skyrim.com/images/oblivion/renders/Staffs/TestStaff.png]staff[/url], with sharpened, steel tips. This is for combat outside of the spells. She isn't very good with it but she likes to train with this weapon during her free time. 

A very understanding and wise girl, she doesn't act like the know it all she feels she is though, instead she is sweet and loving with a slight attitude. When she isn't being sweet she is very, very rude, but this usually comes out in battle. She is also unsocial because of her past. 

Born of of course in the beautiful and hated city of Las Vegas, she lived a simple life, no powers and no worries. Until she was six, then she started to mess around with the unknown. Things that shouldn't happen happened, she caused the smallest of earthquakes and floods at the strangest times. And the worst of all, she continuously hurt others. That is when her parents decided something was wrong, they had no idea how to stop it, or challenge it so instead of face the music they locked her up. Yes, believe it or not they kept her in the basement, it was lonely but it was also better for everyone. She didn't have to worry about much and they came to visit her daily. It was a good substitute to life, and she decided to stick with it. Though when she turned seventeen, and decided that she was safe enough to be around, after a long debate and many family arguments, they sent her to the Institution. That is where she got her tools and where she started to learn.[/center]


Relations to come.